Figure 2. 5
1. Integrate EI into Leader Development
Note: Adapted from “Primary Synthesis of the Literature: by D. Rude, B. Shuck and E. ScullyDeveloping Public Sector Leaders to Engage Employees: A -Russ,
Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings997. Copyright 2011 by Academy of Human Resource Development. , 2011, pp. 964-
This foundation serves as a springboard for discussing development in the context
of specific leadership theories, as described below. The associated relevance of EI as
regards each theory is also addressed. Theories are discussed in chronological sequence,
and are aligned with the four leadership domains identified earlier (Goldman & Gorman,
Person-Role Example: Trait and Personality Leadership Theories
originated from the perspective that leaders are born and not made (Stodgill, 1948;
Northouse, 2007). Stodgill (1974) discerned that some traits may bolster yet not
guarantee a leader’s effectiveness. Recent research expanded the aperture of trait theory
Transformational (^) Transactional
Emotional Intelligence Focus