Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

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“Experience is first taken in or grasped, then transformed into meaning” (Yorks & Kasl,
2001, p. 180). Kolb’s experiential learning theory is illustrated in Figure 2.9, below:
Figure 2. 9

2.9 Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory

Note: Adapted fromDevelopment by D.A. Kolb, p. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and 42. Copyright 1984 by Prentice Hall.

Major underpinnings that Kolb (1984) described as influencing this theory are:
 Learning is process-focused, not outcome/result-focused;
 Learning is a continuous process grounded in experience;
 Learning requires resolution of conflicts between dialectically opposed modes
(i.e., between (a) concrete experience and abstract conceptualization and (b)
active experimentation and reflective observation);

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