3D Game Programming

(C. Jardin) #1


I am nothing without my lovely wife, Robin. Not only does she put up with
me disappearing for days on end to write, but she also helps in ways innumer-
able. She was the primary proofreader for the early versions of the book. She
helps to run the kid hackathons (OK, she runs them) that aided in develop-
ment of this book. And oh, yeah—she’s an awesome wife and mother.

Also a big thanks to my son Luke for being the primary guinea pig for the
early versions of the book. His no-nonsense feedback made this a better
product. Thanks also to my daughter Elora for chiming in with her insights.

And, of course, huge thanks to my technical reviewers. It is a tough task to
review a book from a kid’s perspective, but my reviewers were more than up
to the task. In no particular order, they are Alec M., Hana B., Dave S., Thad
K., Maik Schmidt, Silvia Domenech, and Mark Musante.

Special thanks to Sophie H., who provided the inspiration for the game that
eventually became Project: Fruit Hunt.

This book would not exist without the great work of Ricardo Cabello Miguel,
affectionately known as “Mr.doob.” Ricardo is the primary programmer behind
Three.js, the 3D JavaScript library that we use in this book. He also wrote
the original implementation of the ICE Code Editor that we use. This book
would be significantly less without his amazing talents. Thanks also to
Chandler Prall for his work on the Physijs physics engine, of which we make
extensive use. Chandler was also wonderful about answering my many, many
questions while I was learning.

Last, but not least, many thanks to the folks at The Pragmatic Programmers
for believing in the book and helping me realize its full potential. Special
thanks to my editor, Fahmida, for keeping me honest and focused.

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