3D Game Programming

(C. Jardin) #1

Let’s call the new project Breaking Things.

Be sure to leave the template set to 3D starter project.

Now let’s open the browser’s JavaScript console.

2.2 Opening and Closing the JavaScript Console

The JavaScript console inside the browser is a web programmer’s best friend.
It tells us where we made our mistakes.

Opening and Closing the JavaScript Console
Ctrl+Shift+J (holding down the Ctrl, Shift, and J keys at the same time)
will open and close the JavaScript console.

If you’re using an Apple computer, you can use D+Option+J to open
and close the console.

Don’t worry if you see tons of warnings and errors the first time
you open the JavaScript console. It keeps a log of events that hap-
pen on a web page or in the ICE Code Editor. If the messages are
too much, you can clear the log with the button that has a circle
with a line through it.

The same key combination that opens the JavaScript console will
close it (but leave it open in this chapter).

Chapter 2. Playing with the Console and Finding What’s Broken • 18

Prepared exclusively for Michael Powell report erratum • discuss

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