How the World Works
that East Germany is being pushed back to its traditional T hird W orld status. It’s the same in Mexico, T hailand, etc. T he pr ...
targeting advanced sectors of industry, etc. But nobody called it industrial policy, because for half a century it has been mask ...
industry with enormous profits. It’s potentially vastly more important than electronics—in fact, compared to the potential of bi ...
what they need. T hat’s going to mean a reversal of the fanaticism that the Wall Street Journal and others like it have been app ...
Incidentally, the debt itself, just the numbers, may not be such a huge problem. We’ve had bigger debts than that—not in numbers ...
primarily because of the highly authoritarian culture. People just do what they’re told. So you tell them to cut back consumptio ...
down, which will increase the deficit. T he Journal points out that Clinton’s $20-billion spending program could be turned into ...
sharply constrained. T hose are just facts. T he international economy imposes other kinds of constraints. You can’t overlook th ...
NAFTA and GATT—who benefits? T he last U S-based typewriter company, Smith Corona, is moving to Mexico. T here’s a whole corrido ...
Mexico. T hey’re the ones—along with the professional classes who work for them—who are applauding the agreement. W ill NAFTA an ...
GAT T is the same—nobody knows what’s going on there unless they’re some kind of specialist. And GAT T is even more far- reachin ...
methods being developed to undercut environmental protection. T hat’s in their interests. I doubt that there’ll be a conflict in ...
Food and Third World “economic miracles” Talk about the political economy of food, its production and distribution, particularly ...
cocaine profits pass through New York banks or their offshore affiliates, but it’s undoubtedly plenty. Plenty of it also goes to ...
they were seeing it at Third World levels. Most of the deep starvation and malnutrition in the US had pretty well been eliminate ...
Photo ops in Somalia Does Operation Restore Hope in Somalia represent a new pattern of US intervention in the world? I don’t thi ...
Barre, a kind of Saddam Hussein clone, from 1978 through 1990 (so it’s not ancient history). He was tearing the country apart. H ...
pretext—the conflict with the Russians—is gone, but it’s the same as it’s always been. What kind of impact will the injection of ...
order to survive. There was lots of looting, and teenaged gangsters. By September–October [1992], that region was already re - c ...
After all, there’s a long series of them. Take Grenada. That was a humanitarian intervention. We were going to save the people f ...
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