The chosen country
The conditions of the US-Israel alliance have changed, but have
there been any structural changes?
There haven’t been any significant structural changes. It’s just
that the capacity of Israel to serve US interests, at least in the short
term, has probably increased.
The Clinton administration has made it very clear that it intends
to persist in the extreme pro-Israeli bias of the Bush administration.
They’ve appointed Martin Indyk, whose background is in AIPAC [the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the main pro-Israel
lobbying group in the US], to the Middle East desk of the National
Security Council.
He’s headed a fraudulent research institute, the Washington
Institute for Near East Studies. It’s mainly there so that journalists
who want to publish Israeli propaganda, but want to do it
“objectively,” can quote somebody who’ll express what they want
The United States has always had one major hope from the so-
called peace negotiations—that the traditional tacit alliance between
Israel and the family dictatorships ruling the Gulf states will
somehow become a little more overt or solidified. And it’s
There’s a big problem, however. Israel’s plans to take over and
integrate what they want of the occupied territories—plans which
have never changed—are running into some objective problems.
Israel has always hoped that in the long run they would be able to
expel much of the Palestinian population.
Many moves were made to accelerate that. One of the reasons
they instituted an educational system on the West Bank was in
hopes that more educated people would want to get out because
there weren’t any job opportunities.
For a long time it worked—they were able to get a lot of people
to leave—but they now may well be stuck with the population. This
is going to cause some real problems, because Israel intends to take
the water and the usable land. That may not be so pretty or so easy.
What’s Israel’s record of compliance with the more than twenty
Security Council resolutions condemning its policies?