What you can do
Radio listener: Taking it down to the individual, personal level, I got
a notice in my public service bill that said they’re asking for a rate
hike. I work, and I really don’t have the time to sit down and write a
letter of protest. This happens all the time, and not just with me.
Most people don’t have time to be active politically to change
something. So those rate hikes go through without anybody ever
really pointing out what’s going on. I’ve often wondered why there
isn’t a limitation on the amount of profit any business can make (I
know this probably isn’t democratic).
I think it’s highly democratic. There’s nothing in the principle of
democracy that says that power and wealth should be so highly
concentrated that democracy becomes a sham.
But your first point is quite correct. If you’re a working person,
you just don’t have time—alone—to take on the power company.
That’s exactly what organization is about. That’s exactly what
unions are for, and political parties that are based on working
If such a party were around, they’d be the ones speaking up for
you and telling the truth about what’s going on with the rate hike.
Then they’d be denounced by the Anthony Lewises of the world for
being antidemocratic—in other words, for representing popular
interests rather than power interests.
Radio listener: I’m afraid there may be a saturation point of despair
just from knowing the heaviness of the truth that you impart. I’d like
to strongly lobby you to begin devoting maybe 10% or 15% of your
appearances or books or articles towards tangible, detailed things
that people can do to try to change the world. I’ve heard a few
occasions where someone asks you that question and your response
is, Organize. Just do it.
I try to keep it in the back of my mind and think about it, but I’m
afraid that the answer is always the same. There is only one way to
deal with these things. Being alone, you can’t do anything. All you
can do is deplore the situation.
But if you join with other people, you can make changes. Millions