How the World Works

(Ann) #1

freedom. See also “free trade”
capitalism and
corporations as threat to
individual rights vs.
smoking and
social programs vs.
of speech
free enterprise
doctrinal meaning of
public subsidy of
“free market” system
“free trade.” See also GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade); NAFTA
Adam Smith on
British in India and
with Canada
doctrine vs. reality
drug trafficking and
misuse of term
regulation of
French connection
French North Africa, fascist installation in
Friedman, Milton
Friedman, Thomas
Frum, David
fundamentalism, religious


Galbraith, James
Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Gates, Bill
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
beneficiaries of
as “investor rights agreement,”
public opposition lacking for

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