Theoretical building blocks of the consumer-based approach
As mentioned in the introduction, the consumer-based approach is founded on one
research article presenting the customer-based brand equity framework. This
framework is the core theme of the consumer-based approach.
Behindthe framework is the information-processing theory of consumer
choice, and behindthis theory we find the cognitive consumer perspective. In this
section we will move forwards, starting out with a brief introduction to the
cognitive consumer perspective. From here, we move on to a short review of the
information-processing theory of consumer choice. Both topics are extremely
comprehensive and quite complicated and going into depth with them is beyond
the scope of this book. Still, having become acquainted with important character-
istics of these two topics, the reader will be better equipped to fully understand the
core theme: that of customer-based brand equity.
Figure 6.4 depicts how the customer-based brand equity framework builds on
insights from both the cognitive consumer perspective and the information-
processing theory of consumer choice and that this theory also draws on the
cognitive consumer perspective.
The cognitive consumer perspective
In the assumptions you have already been introduced to some of the key character-
istics of cognitive psychology. The main metaphor for man (the consumer) is that
of the computer; cognitive psychology focuses on the process from a consumer
being exposed to stimuli from his or her environment (input, information), how
Methods and data
Managerial implications
Figure 6.3Assumptions of the consumer-based approach
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