Brand Management: Research, theory and practice

(Grace) #1

and over again that corporations should make brand management a top priority in
order to sharpen their competitive edge. That message has sunk in and things are
now cooking when it comes to understanding the nature of the brand better and
turning brand management into a management discipline as scientifically valid as
comparable disciplines.
We hope that the book will be of value to students, academics, and practi-
tioners alike. Not too long ago, Charlotte and Tilde were still students faced with
the insufficiencies of existing brand management books on a daily basis. Today,
both Charlotte and Tilde as well as Mogens advise companies on brand matters
and teach brand management at Copenhagen Business School. We believe that
the book has both valuable pedagogical potential and can be of great help to prac-
titioners who demand validity and thorough analysis as a foundation for brand
strategy in practice.


xvi Preface

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