Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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18 Biochemistry of Fermented Meat 337

as starter. The ratio between thel-andd-enantiomers depends
on the action ofl-andd-lactate dehydrogenase, respectively,
and the presence of lactate racemase. The rate of generation
and the final amount of lactic acid depend on the type of lac-
tic acid bacteria species used as starter, the type and content
of carbohydrates, the fermentation temperature, and other pro-
cessing parameters. The accumulation of lactic acid produces a
pH drop, more or less, intense depending on its generation rate.
Some secondary products such as acetic acid, acetoin, and others
may be formed through heterofermentative pathways (Demeyer
and Stahnke 2002). Acid pH favors protein coagulation, as it
approaches its isoelectric point, and thus also favors water re-
lease. Acid pH also contributes to safety by contributing to the
inhibition of undesirable pathogenic or spoilage bacteria. The
pH drop favors initial proteolysis and lipolysis by stimulating
the activity of muscle cathepsin D and lysosomal acid lipase,
both active at acid pH, but an excessive pH drop does not favor
later enzymatic reactions involved in the generation of flavor
compounds (Toldra and Verplaetse 1995). ́


Temperature, relative humidity, and air flow have to be carefully
controlled during fermentation and ripening to allow correct mi-
crobial growth and enzyme action while maintaining adequate
drying progress. The air velocity is kept at around 0.1 m/s, which
is enough for a good homogenization of the environment. Ripen-
ing and drying are important for enzymatic reactions related to
flavor development and obtaining the required water loss and
thus reduction inaw. The length of the ripening/drying period
takes from 7 to 90 days, depending on many factors, including
the kind of product, its diameter, dryness degree, fat content,
desired flavor intensity, and so on. The reduction inawis slower
in beef-containing sausages. The casing must remain attached
to the sausage when it shrinks during drying. In general, long-
ripened products tend to be drier and more flavorful.

Physical Changes

The most important physical changes during fermentation and
ripening/drying are summarized in Figure 18.6. The acidulation
produced during the fermentation stage induces protein coagu-
lation and thus some water release. The acidulation also reduces
the solubility of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins, and the
sausage starts to develop consistency. The drying process is a
delicate operation that must achieve an equilibrium between
two different mass transfer processes—diffusion and evapora-
tion (Baldini et al. 2000). Water inside the sausage must diffuse
to the outer surface and then evaporate to the environment. Both
rates must be in equilibrium because a very fast reduction in the
relative humidity of the chamber would cause excessive evap-
oration from the sausage surface that would reduce the water
content on the outer parts of the sausage, causing hardening.
This is typical of sausages of large diameter because of the slow
water diffusion rate. The cross section of these sausages shows
a darker, dry, hard outer ring. On the other hand, when the water


Protein coagulation

Water release

Water diffusion Evaporation

Figure 18.6.Scheme showing important physical changes during
the processing of fermented meats.

diffusion rate is much higher than the evaporation rate, water
accumulates on the surface of the sausage, causing a wrinkled
casing. This situation may happen in small-diameter sausages
being ripened in a chamber with high relative humidity. The
progress in drying reduces the water content, up to 20% weight
loss in semidry sausages and 30% in dry sausages (Table 18.1).
Theawdecreases according to the drying rate, reaching values
below 0.90 for long-ripened sausages.

Chemical Changes

There are different enzymes, of both muscle and microbial ori-
gin, involved in reactions related to color, texture, and flavor gen-
eration. These reactions, which are summarized in Figure 18.7,
are very important for the final sensory quality of the product.
One of the most important groups of reactions, mainly affect-
ing myofibrillar proteins and yielding small peptides and free
amino acids as final products, is known as proteolysis (Toldr ́a
1998). An intense proteolysis during fermentation and ripening
is mainly carried out by endogenous cathepsin D, an acid muscle
proteinase that is very active at acid pH. This enzyme hydrolyses
myosin and actin, producing an accumulation of polypeptides
that are further hydrolyzed to small peptides by muscle and mi-
crobial peptidyl peptidases and to free amino acids by muscle
and microbial aminopeptidases (Sanz et al. 2002). The genera-
tion of small peptides and free amino acids increases with the
length of processing, although the generation rate is reduced at
acid pH values because the conditions are far from optimal for
enzyme activity. Free amino acids may be further transformed
into other products, for example, volatile compounds through
Strecker degradations and Maillard reactions; ammonia through
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