Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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18 Biochemistry of Fermented Meat 341

may affect some of these textural characteristics, but, in general,
the final texture of the sausage will mainly depend on the extent
of drying (Toldra et al. 2004). ́


Little or no flavor is usually detected before meat fermentation,
although a large number of flavor precursors are present. As fer-
mentation and further ripening/drying progress, the combined
effect of endogenous muscle enzyme and microbial activity pro-
duces a high number of nonvolatile and volatile compounds
with sensory impact. The longer the process, the more the ac-
cumulation of these compounds is increased and their sensory
impact enhanced. Although not so important as in meat cooking,
some compounds with sensory impact may be produced through
further chemical reactions. The addition of spices also has an
intense contribution to specific flavors.


The main nonvolatile compounds contributing to taste of fer-
mented meats are summarized in Table 18.5. Sour taste, mainly
resulting from lactic acid generation through microbial glycoly-
sis, is the most relevant taste in fermented meats. Sourness is also
correlated with other microbial metabolites such as acetic acid.

Ammonia may be generated through deaminase and deamidase
activities, usually present in yeasts and molds, reducing the in-
tensity of the acid taste. Salty taste is usually perceived as a
direct taste from salt addition. ATP (adenosine triphosphate)-
derived compounds such as inosine monophosphate and guano-
sine monophosphate exert some taste enhancement, while hy-
poxanthine contributes to bitterness. Other taste contributors are
those compounds resulting from protein hydrolysis. The gener-
ation and accumulation of small peptides and free amino acids
contribute to taste perception, which increases with the length of
process. Some of these small peptides (e.g., leucine, isoleucine,
and valine) also act as aroma precursors, as described in Section


The origin of aroma mainly depends on the ingredients and
processing conditions. Different pathways are responsible for
the formation of volatile compounds with aroma impact (Table
18.6). As mentioned previously, proteolysis gives rise to a large
amount of small peptides and free amino acids. Microorganisms
can convert the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, valine, pheny-
lalanine, and methionine to important sensory compounds with
low threshold values. Some of the most important are branched
aldehydes such as 2- and 3-methylbutanal and 2-methylpropanal,

Table 18.6.Quality Aspects: Generation of Desirable Volatile Compounds Contributing to Aroma in Fermented

Group of Compounds

Main Representative
Compounds Routes of Generation Main Aroma


Aliphatic aldehydes Hexanal, pentanal,
octanal, etc.

Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids Green High

Strecker aldehydes 2- and

Strecker degradation of free amino

Roasted cocoa,


Branched-chain acids 2- and 3-methyl
butanoic acid

Secondary products of previous
Strecker degradation

Sweaty Medium

Alcohols Ethanol, butanol, etc. Oxidative decomposition of lipids Sweet, alcohol, etc. Low
Ketones 2-pentanone,
2-octanone, etc.

Lipid oxidation Ethereal, soapy Medium

Sulfides Dimethyldisulfide Strecker degradation of
sulfur-containing amino acids

Dirty socks Low

Esters Ethyl acetate, ethyl

Interaction of carboxylic acids and

Pineapple, fruity High

Hydrocarbons Pentane, heptane, etc. Lipids autoxidation Alkane Very low
Dicarbonyl products Diacetyl, acetoin,

Pyruvate microbial metabolism Butter Low

Nitrogen compounds Ammonia Deamination, deamidation Ammonia Variable, depends
on growth of
yeasts and molds

Source: Adapted from Viallon et al. (1996), Flores et al. (1997), Stahnke (2002), Toldr ́a (2002) and Talon et al. (2002).
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