Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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372 Part 3: Meat, Poultry and Seafoods

Table 20.3.Band Intensity Ratios of Cross-Linked Chain to Total Monomer Chains in Collagen from the Skin of
Several Sources

Collagens Sources α1/α 2 β/(α 1 +α2) γ/(α 1 +α2)

ASC Calf(a) ND 1.26 0.75
Black drum(a) ND 1.59 1.32
Sheepshead sea bream(a) ND 1.30 0.62
Deep-sea redfish(b) 2.47 1.52 1.10
PSC Black drum(a) ND 0.50 0.23
Sheepshead sea bream(a) ND 0.84 0.51
Deep-sea redfish(b) 2.15 1.03 0.19

Source: (a) Ogawa et al. (2003) and (b) Wang et al. (2007).
ND, not determined.

langbarbel catfish (Zhang et al. 2009), seaweed pipefish (Khan
et al. 2009), deep-sea redfish (Wang et al. 2007), brownstripe
red snapper (Jongjareonrak et al. 2005), ocellate puffer fish
(Nagai et al. 2002a), skate (Hwang et al. 2007), brownbanded
bamboo shark (Kittiphattanabawon et al. 2010a), blacktip shark
(Kittiphattanabawon et al. 2010c), cuttlefish (Nagai et al. 2001),
octopus (Nagai et al. 2002b), scallop (Xuan Ri et al. 2007),
paper nautilus (Nagai and Suzuki 2002), and common minke
whale (Nagai et al. 2008). Skierka and Sadowska (2007) found
that pepsin treatment of Baltic cod skin in acetic acid shortened
the extraction time to 24 hours and the solubility of collagen,
after pepsin digestion increased from 55% to 90%. After ASC
extraction, the residues that represent the cross-linked molecules
are further extracted in the presence of pepsin. The collagen
obtained with pepsin treatment is referred to as “pepsin-soluble
collagen, PSC” (Nagai et al. 2001, Ogawa et al. 2003, Nalinanon
et al. 2007) or “atelocollagen” (Lee et al. 2001, Ikoma et al.
2003). The use of pepsin as the aid of collagen extraction
resulted in the increased yield (see Table 20.4). The yield of ex-
tracted collagen also increased with increasing preswelling time
and pepsin treatment time. From the skin of bigeye snapper (Pri-
acanthus tayenus) subjected to preswelling with 0.5 M acetic
acid and subsequent pepsin hydrolysis, those treated with these
two steps with longer time led to the increase in yield of collagen
extracted (Nalinanon et al. 2007). At the same preswelling time
and hydrolysis time, bigeye snapper pepsin (BSP) exhibited
greater extracting ability than did porcine pepsin. However,
the highest yield (∼65%) for collagen extraction from the
skin of bigeye snapper was found when BSP was added with
a reaction time of 48 hours, regardless of preswelling time
(Nalinanon et al. 2007). Swollen skin, which was pretreated
with acetic acid, possibly had a porous and loose structure
caused by charge repulsion. As a result, the penetration of
pepsin into the skin matrix could be enhanced. Thus, hydrolytic
reaction of pepsin toward collagen was augmented. Miller
(1972) proposed that the mechanism whereby the proteolytic
activity of pepsin alters the solubility properties of cartilage
collagen involves the degradation of the nonhelical region, thus
effectively eliminating a site of intermolecular cross-linking.
Drake et al. (1966) reported that most of intra- and intermolec-
ular cross-links found in collagen occur through the telopeptide

region. Some of the telopeptides of calfskin tropocollagen are
vulnerable to pepsin action, since intramolecular cross-links are
broken on pepsin digestion and fragments comprising a small
fraction of the molecule (approximately 1%) become dialyzable
(Drake et al. 1966). Pepsin treatment for collagen extraction
has the impact on the proportion of compositions. In general,
β-andγ-chains, dimmer, and trimer in PSC are decreased as
compared with those found in ASC. Cleavage of telopeptide
region more likely results in the conversion of cross-links, such
asβ- andγ-chains, to theα-chain, which can be of ease for
extraction. The band intensity ratios ofα1-chain toα2-chain and
cross-linked chain (trimer form,γ, or dimmer form,β)tototal
monomer chain (α 1 +α2) in collagens are shown in Table 20.3.
Nalinanon et al. (2007) reported that higher molecular-weight
(MW) components, includingγ-chain, were found to a greater
extent in ASC extracted from the skin of bigeye snapper
than in PSC. Ogawa et al. (2003) found that the intra- and/or
intermolecular cross-linking of collagens,βandγcomponents,
were richer in ASC than in PSC for collagens from the skin of
black drum and sheepshead sea bream. Similar results were also
reported in collagens extracted from deep-sea redfish (Wang
et al. 2007). Those high-MW components might be degraded
to smaller components, such asβ,α1, orα2, by pepsin action.
Pepsin removes the cross-link-containing telopeptide, and the
concomitantly oneβ-chain is converted to twoα-chains (Nagai
et al. 2001, Wang et al. 2007). Similar changes were also found
in acid-solubilized calfskin tropocollagen when treated with
pepsin. Native calfskin tropocollagen consisted ofα:β:γ at
a ratio of 32:65:3, whereas the components of pepsin-treated
tropocollagen were changed to 72:23:3 (Drake et al. 1966).
Therefore, the yield of collagen extraction was significantly
increased because of the improvement of collagen extractability
by pepsin (Ogawa et al. 2003, Nalinanon et al. 2007, Wang
et al. 2007, Nalinanon et al. 2008, Benjakul et al. 2010).
Generally, commercial pepsin used for collagen extraction
is isolated from porcine stomach. Owing to the limitation of
porcine pepsin mostly associated with the religious constraint,
pepsins from fish origin including bigeye snapper (Nalinanon
et al. 2007), albacore tuna (Nalinanon et al. 2008), and tongol
tuna (Nalinanon et al. 2008, Benjakul et al. 2010) have been
used as the potential aid for collagen extraction from fish skin.
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