Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

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21 Fish Gelatin 389

bonds and is partially reversible in agreement with the gelling
properties of gelatin (Bigi et al. 1998). Gelatin has been widely
applied in the food industry as ingredients to improve the elas-
ticity, consistency, and stability of foods. It can be used for
medical and pharmaceutical purposes such as encapsulation,
production of hard and soft capsules, wound dressing, adsor-
bent pads, and edible film formation. Furthermore, it can be
applied for biomaterial-based packaging and photographic in-
dustries (Jongjareonrak et al. 2006c).


Production of gelatin can be divided into three main steps, (1)
pretreatment, (2) extraction, and (3) drying (Fig. 21.1). All pro-
cesses used for gelatin extraction have direct impact on the yield
and properties of gelatin obtained. The process has been opti-
mized for different sources of raw materials (Cho et al. 2004,
Zhou and Regenstein 2004, Cho et al. 2005, Yang et al. 2007).

Pretreatment of Raw Material

Removal of Noncollagenous Protein

Prior to gelatin extraction from raw material, the pretreatment is
practically implemented to increase purity of gelatin extracted.
Alkaline solution has been used to remove considerable amounts
of noncollagenous materials (Johns and Courts 1977, Zhou and
Regenstein 2005) and break some interchain cross-links. Also,
the process is able to inactivate proteases involved in degrada-
tion of collagen (Regenstein and Zhou 2007b). During alkaline
pretreatment, the type of alkali does not make a significant dif-

Raw materials

Noncollagenous protein removal process

Fat removal process (optional)

Demineralization process (optional)

Swelling process

Extraction with distilled water


Clarification (optional)


Gelatin powder

Figure 21.1.Scheme for gelatin extraction.

ference, but the concentration of alkali is critical (Zhou and
Regenstein 2005). Yoshimura et al. (2000) reported that alkali
attacks predominantly the telopeptide region of the collagen
molecule during pretreatment. Thus, some collagen can be sol-
ubilized by an alkali solution. Long time and high concentration
of alkaline pretreatment decreased the yield of gelatin from skin
of channel catfish (Yang et al. 2007). The concentration of al-
kali, time, and temperature used for pretreatment varied with
raw materials (Table 21.1).

Table 21.1.Pretreatment Conditions for the Extraction of Gelatin from Different Fishes


Raw Materials




Alkaline Changing
(times) References

Brownbanded bamboo
shark and blacktip

0.1 M NaOH 15–20 40 3 Kittiphattanabawon
et al. (2010)

Atlantic salmon skin 0.04 N NaOH 8 30 2 Arnesen and Gildberg
Cod skin 0.2%(w/v) NaOH NMa 40 3 Gudmundsson and
Hafsteinsson (1997)
Sin croaker skin and
shortfin scad skin

0.2%(w/v) NaOH NM 40 3 Cheow et al. (2007)

Yellowfin tuna skin 0.1 N NaOH 20 40 3 Rahman et al. (2008)
Megrim skin 0.2 N NaOH 5 30 3 Montero and
Black tilapia and red
tilapia skin

0.2%(w/v) NaOH 15–27 40 3 Jamilah and Harvinder
Shark cartilage 1.6 N NaOH 8 3.14 days 1 Cho et al. (2004)

aNM: not mentioned.
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