Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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390 Part 3: Meat, Poultry and Seafoods

Removal of Fat

Raw material with high fat content can be associated with the
negative effect on gelatin. Soaps may be formed during treatment
with alkali prior to gelatin extraction. This soap can contami-
nate the resulting gelatin. Nevertheless, fat removal process was
not included in the pretreatment process for gelatin extraction
from some fish skin with low fat content (Gudmundsson and
Hafsteinsson 1997, Gomez-Guill ́ en et al. 2003, Zhou and Re- ́
genstein 2004Arnesen and Gildberg 2007, Cheow et al. 2007,
Yang et al. 2007, Aewsiri et al. 2008, Nalinanon et al. 2008,
Rahman et al. 2008). A simple defatting can be achieved by
hot water (Waldner 1977). Muyonga et al. (2004) removed fat
in bone of Nile perch (Lates niloticus)bytumblinginwarm
water (35◦C).

Removal of Minerals

Demineralization of the raw material, especially bone or scale,
aims to remove the calcium and other inorganic substances to fa-
cilitate the extraction of collagenous component (Waldner 1977).
The inorganic substances in raw material can be removed by
treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid solution, whereby the
calcium phosphate is dissolved as acid phosphates (Waldner
1977). The fresh bone is commonly treated with hydrochlo-
ric acid solution, in which almost all minerals are completely
removed. Depending on the nature of the material, tempera-
ture, and acid concentration, the demineralization time can be
varied. The acid concentration used is in the range 2–6% HCl
(Waldner 1977). Acid hydrolysis of the protein should be mini-
mized during demineralization. High temperature should also be
avoided since it can enhance the hydrolysis of protein. Bone from
Nile perch (Lates niloticus) was demineralized with 3% HCl at
room temperature prior to extraction using warm water (60◦C)
(Muyonga et al. 2004). Demineralization of tuna fin (Katsu-
wonus pelamis) was carried out at room temperature using
0.6 N HCl (Aewsiri et al. 2008).

Swelling of Pretreated Raw Materials

Prior to gelatin extraction, pretreatment is generally required to
enhance the extraction efficiency. Swelling is important because
it can favor protein unfolding by disruption of noncovalent bond-
ing and predispose the collagen to subsequent extraction and
solubilization (Stainby 1987). Pretreatments can be classified
into two processes and are selectively used on the basis of the
raw materials.

Acid Process Acid hydrolysis is a milder treatment that effec-
tively solubilizes collagens of animals slaughtered at a young age
such as pigs (Foegeding et al. 1996). The pretreatment is aimed
to convert the collagen into a form suitable for extraction. The co-
valent cross-links in the collagen must be disrupted to enable the
release of freeα-chains during the extraction (Johnston-Banks
1990). The process is able to remove other organic substances.
Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids are used, often with the addition
of phosphoric acid to retard color development (Johnston-Banks

1990). Additionally, the acid pretreatment can partially inacti-
vate endogenous proteases involved in degradation. As a result,
the enzymatic breakage of intrachain peptide bonds of collagen
during extraction can be lowered (Zhou and Regenstein 2005).
Nalinanon et al. (2008) reported that gelatin extraction from big-
eye snapper skin using a pepsin-aided process in combination
with a protease inhibitor showed the higher bloom strength than
the gelatin extracted by the conventional process, which had a
substantial degradation of gelatin components.
Moreover, type of acid and concentration affected the yield
and properties of gelatin. The concentration of H+ used in
processing of gelatin from cod skins affected yield and qual-
ity of resulting gelatin (Gudmundsson and Hafsteinsson 1997).
Megrim skin was treated with 0.05 M acetic and 0.05 M propi-
onic acid prior to gelatin extraction using distilled water at 45◦C
for 30 minutes. The gelatin obtained had the highest elastic mod-
ulus, viscous modulus, melting temperature, and gel strength. On
the other hand, gelatin obtained from skin swollen with citric
acid exhibited the lowest turbidity of gelatin solution, whereas
propionic acid led to the most turbid gelatin solution (Gomez- ́
Guill ́en and Montero 2001). Gimenez et al. (2005) reported that
use of lactic acid (25 mM) could be an excellent substitute for
acetic acid for the skin swelling process. The gelatin so obtained
showed similar properties to that prepared by using 50 mM
acetic acid without the negative organoleptic properties. Gelatin
obtained from the acid process is known as type A gelatin.

Alkaline Process Type B gelatins are generally produced by
alkali hydrolysis of bovine materials. This process results in
deamidation as well as degradation, leading to the lowered chain
length (Foegeding et al. 1996). Alkaline pretreatments are nor-
mally applied to bovine hide and ossein. Lime is most commonly
used for this purpose; it is relatively mild and does not cause
significant damage to the raw material by excessive hydrolysis.
However, 8 weeks or more are required for complete treatment.
Lime at concentrations of up to 3% is used in conjunction with
small amounts of calcium chloride or caustic soda. Alkaline
process using caustic soda takes 10–14 days for pretreatment
(Johnston-Bank 1983). Gelatin obtained from the alkaline pro-
cess is known as type B gelatin.
Cho et al. (2004) optimized the extraction condition for pro-
duction of gelatin from shark cartilage using response surface
methodology. Gelatin production has two important steps, (1) al-
kali treatment and (2) hot-water extraction. The alkali treatment
removes noncollagenous protein. Hot-water extraction causes
thermal hydrolysis, leading to the solubilization of gelatin. The
predicted maximum yields of 79.9% for gelatin production
were obtained when alkali treatment using 1.6 N NaOH for
3.16 days and hot-water extraction at 65◦C for 3.4 hours were

Acid Process in Conjunction with Pepsin Traditionally, al-
kaline process has been used for gelatin production from raw
material with high degree of cross-linking. These harsh condi-
tions result in random hydrolysis of peptide bonds and decom-
position of some amino acids, leading to a product of variable
quality with a broad molecular weight distribution (Slade and
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