Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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22 Application of Proteomics to Fish Processing and Quality 409

remains essentially as outlined earlier. In the following sections,
a general protocol is outlined briefly with some notes of special
relevance to the seafood scientist. For more detailed, up-to-date
protocols, the reader is referred to any of a number of excellent
reviews and laboratory manuals such as Berkelman and Stenst-
edt (1998), Gorg et al. (2000, 2004), Kraj and Silberring (2008), ̈
Link (1999), Simpson (2003), Walker (2005) and Westermeier
and Naven (2002).

Sample Extraction and Cleanup

For most applications, sample treatment prior to electrophoresis
should be minimal in order to minimize in-sample proteolysis
and other sources of experimental artifacts. We have found direct
extraction into the gel reswelling buffer (7-M urea, 2-M thiourea,
4% (w/v) CHAPS [3-(3-chloramidopropyl)dimethylamino-
1-propanesulfonate], 0.3% (w/v) DTT [dithiothreitol], 0,5%
Pharmalyte ampholytes for the appropriate pH range), sup-
plemented with a protease inhibitor cocktail, to give good
results for proteome extraction from whole Atlantic cod larvae
(Guðmundsdottir and Sveinsd ́ ́ottir 2006, Sveinsdottir et al. ́
2008) and Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) liver (Coe and
Vilhelmsson 2008). Thorough homogenization is essential to
ensure complete and reproducible extraction of the proteome.
Cleanup of samples using commercial two-dimensional sample
cleanup kits may be beneficial for some sample types.

First-Dimension Electrophoresis

The extracted proteins are first separated by IEF, which is most
conveniently performed using commercial dry IPG gel strips.
These strips consist of a dried IPG-containing polyacrylamide
gel on a plastic backing. Ready-made IPG strips are currently
available in a variety of linear and sigmoidal pH ranges. This
method is thus suitable for most 2DE applications and has all
but completely replaced the older and less reproducible method
of IEF by carrier ampholytes in tube gels. Broad-range linear
strips (e.g., pH 3–10) are commonly used for whole-proteome
analysis of tissue samples, but for many applications narrow-
range and/or sigmoidal IPG strips may be more appropriate as
these will give better resolution of proteins in the fairly crowded
pI 4–7 range. Narrow-range strips also allow for higher sample
loads (since part of the sample will run off the gel) and thus may
yield improved detection of low-abundance proteins.
Before electrophoresis, the dried gel needs to be reswelled to
its original volume. A recipe for a typical reswelling buffer is
presented earlier. Reswelling is normally performed overnight
at 4◦C. Application of a low-voltage current may speed up the
reswelling process. Optimal conditions for reswelling are nor-
mally provided by the IPG strip manufacturer. If the protein
sample is to be applied during the reswelling process, extraction
directly into the reswelling buffer is recommended.
IEF is normally performed for several hours at high voltage
and low current. Typically, the starting voltage is about 150
V, which is then increased step-wise to about 3500 V, usually
totaling about 10,000 to 30,000 Vh, although this will depend
on the IPG gradient and the length of the strip. The appropriate

IEF protocol will depend not only on the sample and IPG strip,
but also on the equipment used. The manufacturer’s instructions
should be followed. Gorg et al. (2000) reviewed IEF for 2DE ̈


Before the isoelectrofocused gel strip can be applied to the
second-dimension slab gel, it needs to be equilibrated for 30–45
minutes in a buffer containing SDS and a reducing agent such as
DTT. During the equilibration step, the SDS–polypeptide com-
plex that affords protein-size-based separation will form and the
reducing agent will preserve the reduced state of the proteins. A
tracking dye for the second electrophoresis step is also normally
added at this point. A typical equilibration-buffer recipe is as
follows: 50 mM Tris-HCl at pH 8.8, 6-M urea, 30% glycerol,
2% SDS, 1% DTT, and trace amount of bromophenol blue. A
second equilibration step in the presence of 2.5% iodoacetamide
and without DTT (otherwise identical buffer) may be required
for some applications. This will alkylate thiol groups and prevent
their reoxidation during electrophoresis, thus reducing vertical
streaking (Gorg et al. 1987). ̈

Second-Dimension Electrophoresis

Once the gel strip has been equilibrated, it is applied to the
top edge of an SDS-PAGE slab gel and cemented in place us-
ing a molten agarose solution. Optimal pore size depends on
the size of the target proteins, but for most applications gra-
dient gels or gels of about 10% or 12% polyacrylamide are
appropriate. Ready-made gels suitable for analytical 2DE are
available commercially. While some reviewers recommend al-
ternative buffer systems (Walsh and Herbert 1999), the Laemmli
method (Laemmli 1970), using glycine as the trailing ion and
the same buffer (25-mM Tris, 192-mM glycine, 0.1% SDS) at
both electrodes, remains the most popular one. The gel is run
at a constant current of 25 mA until the bromophenol blue dye
front has reached the bottom of the gel.


Visualization of proteins spots is commonly achieved through
staining with colloidal Coomassie Blue G-250 due to its low
cost and ease of use. A typical staining procedure includes fixing
the gel for several hours in 50% ethanol/2%ortho-phosphoric
acid, followed by several 30-minute washing steps in water, fol-
lowed by incubation for 1 hour in 17% ammonium sulfate/34%
methanol/2%ortho-phosphoric acid, followed by staining for
several days in 0.1% Coomassie Blue G-250/17% ammonium
sulfate/34% methanol/2%ortho-phosphoric acid, followed by
destaining for several hours in water. There are, however, com-
mercially available colloidal Coomassie staining kits that do not
require fixation or destaining.
A great many alternative visualization methods are available,
many of which are more sensitive than colloidal Coomassie
and thus may be more suitable for applications where visual-
ization of low-abundance proteins is important. These include
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