Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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414 Part 3: Meat, Poultry and Seafoods

Table 22.1.(Continued)





Orange roughy (Hoplostethus

11 40 Astacidea(lobsters and crayfishes) 1,742 4,466

Pleuronectiformes(flatfishes) 4,109 11,851 American lobster (Homerus

195 173

Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus

218 2,958 European crayfish (Astacus

28 39

Witch (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) 22 54 Langoustine (Nephrops

19 35

Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) 88 285 Brachyura (short-tailed crabs) 5,143 8,238
Winter flounder
(Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

139 196 Edible crab (Cancer pagurus)3738

Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) 385 1,014 Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) 123 133


The developmental changes in the composition of muscle pro-
tein isoforms have been tracked by proteome analysis in African
catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis) (Focant et al. 1999), com-
mon sole (Solea solea) (Focant et al. 2003), and dorada (Brycon
moorei) (Huriaux et al. 2003). These studies demonstrated that
the muscle shows the usual sequential synthesis of protein iso-
forms in the course of development. For example, in the common
sole, 2DE revealed two isoforms (larval and adult) of myosin
light chain 2, and likewise in dorada larval and adult isoforms
of troponin I were sequentially expressed during development.
Proteomic techniques have, thus, been shown to be applicable
for investigating cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in
the morphological and physiological changes that occur during
fish development.
The major obstacle on the use of proteomics in embryonic fish
has been the high proportion of yolk proteins. These interfere
with any proteomic application that intends to target the cells
of the embryo proper. In a recent study on the proteome of
embryonic zebrafish, the embryos were deyolked to enrich the
pool of embryonic proteins and to minimize ions and lipids
found in the yolk prior to two-dimensional gel analysis (Tay
et al. 2006). Despite this undertaking, a large number of yolk
proteins remained prominently present in the embryonic protein
profiles. Link et al. (2006) published a method to efficiently
remove the yolk from large batches of embryos without losing
cellular proteins. The success in the removal of yolk proteins
by Link et al. (2006) is probably due to dechorionation prior to
the deyolking of the embryos. By dechorionation, the embryos
fall out of their chorions facilitating the removal of the yolk
(Huriaux et al. 1996, Westerfield 2000).

Changes in the Proteome of Early Cod Larvae
in Response to Environmental Factors

The production of good quality larvae is still a challenge in ma-
rine fish hatcheries. Several environmental factors can interfere
with the protein expression of larvae affecting larval quality like

growth and survival rate. Proteome analysis allows us to exam-
ine the effects of environmental factors on larval global protein
expression, posttranslational modifications, and redistribution of
specific proteins within cells (Tyers and Mann 2003), all impor-
tant information for controlling factors influencing the aptitude
to continue a normal development until adult stages.
A variety of environmental factors have shown to improve
the health and survival of fish larvae, including probiotic bac-
teria (Tinh et al. 2008) and protein hydrolysates (Cahu et al.
1999). However, the beneficial effects of these treatments on
fish larvae are poorly understood at the molecular level. Only
a few proteome analysis studies on fish larvae have been pub-
lished (Focant et al. 2003, Tay et al. 2006, Guðmundsdottir ́
and Sveinsdottir 2006, Sveinsd ́ ́ottir et al. 2008, Sveinsdottir ́
and Guðmundsdottir 2008, Sveinsd ́ ottir et al. 2009), of which ́
two have focused on the changes in the whole larval pro-
teome after treatment with probiotic bacteria (Sveinsd ́ottir et al.
2009) and protein hydrolysate (Sveinsd ́ottir and Gudmundsdottir ́
2008). These studies provide protocols for the production of
high-resolution two-dimensional gels of whole larval proteome,
where peptide mass mapping (MALDI-TOF MS) and peptide
fragment mapping (LC-MS/MS) allowed identification of ca.
85% of the of the selected cod protein spots (Guðmundsdottir ́
and Sveinsdottir 2006, Sveinsd ́ ottir and Gudmundsd ́ ottir 2008, ́
Sveinsdottir et al. 2008, Sveinsd ́ ottir et al. 2009). ́
The advantages of working with whole larvae versus distinct
tissues is the ease of keeping the sample handling to a minimum
in order to avoid loss or modification of the proteins. Neverthe-
less, there are several drawbacks when working with the whole
larval proteome, like the overwhelming presence of muscle and
skin proteins. These proteins may mask subtle changes in pro-
teins expressed in other tissues or systems, such as the gastroin-
testinal tract or the central nervous system caused by various
environmental factors. The axial musculature is the largest tis-
sue in larval fishes as it constitutes approximately 40% of their
body mass (Osse and van den Boogaart 1995). This is reflected
in our studies on whole cod larval proteome, where the majority
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