Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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452 Part 4: Milk

functions as a pro-oxidant, apparently as a complex with
Cu. Sulphydryl groups of proteins are also effective antiox-
idants; cream for butter making is usually heated to a high
temperature to denature proteins and expose and activate
sulphydryl groups.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Since the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) in milk are derived
from the animal’s diet, large seasonal variations can be expected
in their concentration in milk. The breed of cow also has a
significant effect on the concentration of fat-soluble vitamins in
milk; high-fat milk (Jersey and Guernsey) has a higher content
of these vitamins than Friesian or Holstein milk. Variations in
the concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins in milk have a number
of consequences:
 Nutritionally, milk contributes a substantial portion of the
RDA (recommended daily allowance) for these vitamins
to Western diets; it is common practice to fortify milk and
butter with vitamins A and D.
 The yellow-orange colour of high-fat dairy products de-
pends on the concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin A
present, and hence on the diet of the animal. New Zealand
butter is much more highly coloured than Irish butter,
which in turn is much more yellow than American or Ger-
man products. The differences are due in part to the greater
dependence of milk production in New Zealand and Ireland
on pasture and to the higher proportion of carotenoid-rich
clover in New Zealand pasture and the higher proportion of
Jersey cows in New Zealand herds.
 Goats, sheep and buffalo do not transfer carotenoids to
their milk, which is, consequently, whiter than bovine milk.
Products produced from these milks are whiter than cor-
responding products made from bovine milk. The darker
colour of the latter may be unattractive to consumers accus-
tomed to caprine or ovine milk products. If necessary, the
carotenoids in bovine milk may be bleached (by benzoyl
peroxide) or masked (by chlorophyll or TiO 2 ).
 Vitamin E (tocopherols) is a potent antioxidant and con-
tributes to the oxidative stability of dairy products. The to-
copherol content of milk and meat can be readily increased
by supplementing the animal’s diet with tocopherols, which
is sometimes practised.



Technologically, the proteins of milk are its most important
constituents. They play important, even essential, roles in all
dairy products except butter and anhydrous milk fat. The roles
played by milk proteins include the following:
 Nutritional: All milk proteins.
 Physiological: Igs, lactoferrin (Lf), lactoperoxidase,
vitamin-binding proteins, protein-derived biologically-
active peptides.

 Gelation. Enzymatically, acid- or thermally induced
gelation in all cheeses, fermented milks, whey protein
concentrates and isolates.
 Heat stability: All thermally processed dairy products,
 Surface activity: Caseinates, whey protein concentrates
and isolates.
 Rheological: All protein-containing dairy products.
 Water sorption: Most dairy products, comminuted meat

Milk proteins have been studied extensively and are very well
characterised at molecular and functional levels (for reviews, see
Fox and McSweeney 2003).

Heterogeneity of Milk Proteins

It has been known since 1830 that milk contains two types of
protein which can be separated by acidification, to what we now
know is pH 4.6. The proteins insoluble at pH 4.6 are called
caseins and represent approximately 78% of the total nitrogen
in bovine milk; the soluble proteins are called whey or serum
proteins. As early as 1885, it was shown that there are two types
of whey protein, globulins and albumins, which were thought
to be transferred directly from the blood (the proteins of blood
and whey have generally similar physico-chemical properties
and are classified as albumins and globulins). Initially, the term
casein was not restricted to the acid-insoluble proteins in milk
but was used to describe all acid-insoluble proteins; however,
it was recognised at an early stage that the caseins are unique
milk-specific proteins.
The casein fraction of milk protein was considered initially
to be homogeneous but from 1918 onwards, evidence began to
accumulate that it is heterogeneous. Through the application of
free boundary electrophoresis (FBE) in the 1930s and especially
zone electrophoresis in starch or polyacrylamide gels (SGE,
PAGE) containing urea and a reducing agent in the 1960s, it has
been shown that casein is in fact very heterogeneous. Bovine
casein consists of four families of caseins:αs1-,αs2-β- andκ-,
which represent about 38%, 10%, 36% and 12%, respectively,
of whole casein. Urea-PAGE showed that each of the casein
families exhibits micro-heterogeneity due to:
 genetic polymorphism, usually involving substitution of
one or two amino acids;
 variations in the degree of phosphorylation;
 variations in the degree of glycosylation ofκ-casein;
 inter-molecular disulphide bond formation inαs2- and
 limited proteolysis, especially ofβ- andαs2-caseins, by
plasmin; the resulting peptides include theγ- andλ-caseins
and proteose peptones.

In the 1930s, FBE showed that both the globulin and albumin
fractions of whey protein are heterogeneous and, in the 1950s,
the principal constituents were isolated and characterised. It is
now known that the whey protein fraction of bovine milk com-
prises four main proteins:β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg),α-La, Igs and
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