Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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454 Part 4: Milk

The caseins are often regarded as very hydrophobic proteins
but they are not particularly so; however, they do have a high
surface hydrophobicity, owing to their open structures. Because
of their hydrophobic patches they have a high propensity to yield
bitter hydrolysates, even in cheese that undergoes relatively little
proteolysis. In contrast, the highly structured whey proteins are
very resistant to proteolysis in the native state and may traverse
the intestinal tract of the neonate intact.
About 60% ofκ-casein molecules are glycosylated. The
sugar moieties present are galactose, galactosamine andN-
acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid), which occur as trisaccha-
rides or tetrasaccharides. The oligosaccharides are attached to
the polypeptideviathreonine residues in theC-terminal region
of the molecule and vary from 0 to 4 mol/mol of protein.
Probably because of their rather open structures, the caseins
are extremely heat stable, for example sodium caseinate can be
heated at 140◦C for 1 hour without obvious physical effects. The
more highly structured whey proteins are comparatively heat-
labile, although compared to many other globular proteins, they
are quite heat-stable; they are completely denatured on heating
at 90◦C for 10 minutes.
Under the ionic conditions in milk,α-La exists as monomers
of molecular weight (MW) approximately 14.7 kDa.β-Lg exists
as dimers (MW∼36 kDa) in the pH range 5.5–7.5; at pH values
<3.5 or>7.5, it exists as monomers, while at pH 3.5–5.5, it
exists as octamers. The caseins have a very strong tendency to
associate. Even in sodium caseinate, the most soluble form of
whole casein, the proteins exist mainly as decamers or larger ag-
gregates at 20◦C. At low concentrations, for example<0.6%, at
4 ◦C,β-casein exists as monomers but associates to form micelles
if the concentration or temperature is increased. In the presence
of Ca, for example, calcium caseinate, casein forms large ag-
gregates of several million Daltons. In milk, the caseins exist as
very complex structures, known as casein micelles, which are
described in Section ‘Casein Micelles’.
The function of the caseins appears to be to supply amino
acids to the neonate. They have no biological functionstricto
sensubut their Ca-binding properties enable a high concentra-
tion of calcium phosphate to be carried in milk in a ‘soluble’
form; the concentration of calcium phosphate far exceeds its sol-
ubility and, without the ‘solubilising’ influence of casein, would
precipitate in the ducts of the mammary gland and cause atopic
milk stones.
β-Lg has a hydrophobic pocket within which it can bind
small hydrophobic molecules. It binds and protects retinolin
vitroand perhaps functions as a retinol carrierin vivo.Inthe
intestine, it exchanges retinol with a retinol-binding protein. It
also binds fatty acids and thereby stimulates lipase; this is per-
haps its principal biological function.β-Lg is a member of the
lipocalin family, which now includes 14 proteins (for review see
Akerstrom et al. 2000); all members of the lipocalin family have
some form of binding function.
α-La is a metalloprotein; it binds one Ca atom per molecule in
a peptide loop containing four aspartic acid residues. The apo-
protein is quite heat-labile but the metalloprotein is rather heat-
stable; when studied by differential scanning calorimetry,α-La
is in fact observed to be quite heat-labile. The metallo-protein

renatures on cooling, whereas the apo-protein does not. The dif-
ference in heat stability between the halo- and apo-protein may
be exploited in the isolation ofα-La on a large (i.e., potentially
industrial) scale.
As discussed in Section ‘Lactose’,α-La is an enzyme mod-
ifier protein in the lactose synthesis pathway; it makes UDP-
galactosyl transferase highly specific for glucose as an acceptor
for galactose, resulting in the synthesis of lactose.

Interspecies Comparison of Milk Proteins

The milk of all species that have been studies contain caseins
and whey proteins, but the protein systems differ in detail:

 The total concentration of protein ranges from approxi-
mately 1% in human milk and that of the other great apes to
approximately 20% for lagomorphs; the protein content is
directly related to the growth rate of the neonate.
 The ratio of casein to whey proteins ranges from approxi-
mately 80:20 in bovine, buffalo, ovine and caprine milk to
approximately 30:70 for human milk.
 The types and proportions of the caseins and whey proteins
show considerable inter-species differences. The milk of
all species studied seems to containα-,β- andκ- caseins
but human milk and that of some other primates contains
very littleα-casein and equine milk contains littleκ-casein.
The milk of humans and that of many others, but not all,
primates and rodents lacksβ-Lg. The principal protein in
human milk isα-La but the milk of some seals lacks this
protein. The milk of some species contains a protein called
acid whey protein, which is absent from the milk of many
species, including cow, buffalo, sheep and goat. There are
particularly large inter-species differences with respect to
many minor proteins, including enzymes.
 All individual milk proteins show inter-species differences
with respect to amino acid composition and perhaps other
features. An interspecies comparison of the principal lacto-
proteins of several species has been made by Martin et al.
(2003, 2011).

Casein Micelles

Three of the caseins,αs1-,αs2-andβ-, which together represent
approximately 85% of total casein, are precipitated by calcium
at concentrations>6 mM at temperatures> 20 ◦C. Since milk
contains approximately 30 mmol/L Ca, it would be expected
that most of the caseins would precipitate in milk. However,κ-
casein is soluble at high concentrations of Ca and it reacts with
and stabilises the Ca-sensitive caseins through the formation of
casein micelles.
Since the stability, or perhaps instability, of the casein micelles
is responsible for many of the unique properties and processing
characteristics of milk, their structure and properties have been
studied intensively. It has been known for nearly 200 years that
the casein in milk exists as large colloidal particles which are re-
tained by porcelain-Chamberlain filters. During the early part of
the twentieth century, there was interest in explaining the rennet
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