Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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25 Biochemistry of Milk Processing 467

In this chapter, several of the main processes used in the
modern dairy industry will be discussed and the relationships
between the biochemical properties of milk and the processes
applied, explored.



The most common process applied to most food products is
probably heat treatment, principally used to kill microorgan-
isms (e.g., bacteria, yeasts, moulds and viruses) responsible for
foodborne disease, food poisoning or spoilage. Secondary objec-
tives of heat-treating foods include inactivation of enzymes in the
tissue or fluid, which would otherwise negatively influence prod-
uct quality, and effecting changes in the structure of the food,
for example through denaturation of proteins or gelatinisation
of starch.
Today, a wide range of thermal processes are commonly ap-
plied to milk, as summarised in Table 25.2.
The most widely used thermal process for milk is pasteurisa-
tion. In 1864–1866, Louis Pasteur, the famous French scientist,
discovered that the spoilage of wine and beer could be prevented
by heating the product to around 60◦C for several minutes; this
process is now referred to as pasteurisation. The historical de-
velopment of the thermal processing of milk was reviewed by
Westhoff (1978).
Although pasteurisation was introduced to improve the sta-
bility and quality of food, it soon became apparent that it of-
fered consumers protection against hazards associated with the
consumption of raw milk (particularly the risk of transmission
of tuberculosis from infected cows to humans); developments
in technology and widespread implementation occurred early
in the nineteenth century. The first commercial pasteurisers,
in which milk was heated at 74◦C–77◦C for an unspecified
time period, were made by Albert Fesca in Germany in 1882
(Westhoff 1978). The first commercially operated milk pas-
teuriser in the United States was installed in Bloomville, New
York, in 1893; the first law requiring the pasteurisation of liq-

uid (beverage) milk was passed by the authorities in Chicago
in 1908.
Many early pasteurisation processes used conditions not very
different from those proposed by Pasteur, generally heating milk
to 62–65◦C for at least 30 minutes, followed by rapid cooling
to less than 10◦C (now referred to as low-temperature long-
time, LTLT, pasteurisation). However, high-temperature short-
time (HTST) pasteurisation, in which milk is treated at 72–74◦C
for 15 seconds in a continuous-flow plate heat exchanger, was
introduced by APV in 1923 and gradually became the standard
industrial procedure for the heat treatment of liquid milk and
cream. Compared to the LTLT process, the HTST process has
the advantages of reduced heat damage and flavour changes,
reduced cost and increased efficiency and throughput (Kelly and
O’Shea 2002).
Later developments in the thermal processing of milk led to
the development of ultra-high temperature (UHT) processes, in
which milk is heated to a temperature in the range 135–140◦C
for 2–5 seconds (Lewis and Heppell 2000). UHT treatments can
be applied using a range of heat exchanger technologies (e.g.,
indirect and direct processes), and essentially result in a ster-
ile product that is typically shelf-stable for at least 6 months at
room temperature; eventual deterioration of product quality gen-
erally results from physicochemical rather than microbiological
or enzymatic processes.
Sterilised milk products may also be produced using in-
container retort systems; in fact, such processes were developed
before the work of Pasteur. In 1809, Nicholas Appert developed
an in-container sterilisation process that he applied to the preser-
vation of a range of food products, with varying degrees of suc-
cess. Today, in-container sterilisation, as first successfully and
consistently applied towards the end of the nineteenth century, is
generally used for concentrated (condensed) milks; typical con-
ditions involve heating at 115◦C for 10–15 minutes. A related,
although not sterile, class of product is preserved by adding a
high level of sugar to concentrated milk; the sugar preserves the
product through osmotic action (sweetened condensed milk was
patented by Gail Borden in 1856).
The primary function of thermal processing of milk is to kill
undesirable microorganisms; modern pasteurisation is a very

Table 25.2.Thermal Processes Commonly Applied to Liquid Milk Products

Process Conditions Heat Exchanger Reason

Thermisation 63 ◦C for 15 s Plate heat exchanger Killing psychrotrophic bacteria before
cold storage of milk
Pasteurisation 72–74◦C for 15–30 s Plate heat exchanger Killing of vegetative pathogenic bacteria
and shelf-life extension
UHT (indirect) 135–140◦C for 3–5 s Plate heat exchanger Production of safe long shelf-life milk
Scraped-surface heat exchanger
Tubular heat exchanger
UHT (direct) 135–140◦C for 3–5 s Steam infusion system Production of safe long shelf-life milk
Steam injection system
Sterilisation 118 ◦C for 12 min Batch or continuous Production of sterile
Retort Long-life milk

UHT, ultra-high temperature.
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