Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

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25 Biochemistry of Milk Processing 469

age gelation, which refers to a progressive increase in viscosity
during storage, followed by the formation of a gel that cannot be
redispersed. The mechanism of age gelation is not completely
understood, but is probably due to one or both of the following:

  1. Physicochemical factors:For example dissociation of ca-
    sein/whey protein complexes; changes in casein micelle
    structure and/or properties; cross-linking due to the Mail-
    lard reaction; removal or binding of Ca^2 +.

  2. Biochemical factors:For example action of proteolytic en-
    zymes, such as plasmin or heat-stable bacterial proteinases
    (i.e., fromPseudomonasspecies), which may hydrolyse
    κ-casein, inducing micelle coagulation.

Recent reviews on this subject include Nieuwenhuijse (1995),
Datta and Deeth (2001) and Nieuwenhuijse and van Boekel

Heat-Induced Changes in Lactose in Milk and
the Maillard Reaction

Heating lactose causes several chemical modifications, the na-
ture and extent of which depend on environmental conditions
and the severity of heating; changes include degradation to acids
(with a concomitant decrease in pH), isomerisation (e.g., to lac-
tulose), production of compounds such as furfural and interac-
tions with amino groups of proteins (Maillard reaction).
In the Maillard reaction, lactose or lactulose reacts with an
amino group, such as theε-amino group of lysine residues, in a
complex (and not yet fully understood) series of reactions with a
variety of end products (O’Brien 1995, van Boekel and Walstra
1998; O’Brien 2009). The early stages of the Maillard reaction
result in the formation of a protein-bound Amadori product,
lactulosyllysine, which then degrades to a range of advanced
Maillard products, including hydroxymethylfurfural, furfurals
and formic acid. The breakdown of lactose to organic acids
reduces the pH of milk. The most obvious result of the Maillard
reaction is a change in the colour of milk (browning), due to the
formation of pigments called melanoidins, or advanced-stage
Maillard products; extensive Maillard reactions also result in the

polymerisation of proteins. The Maillard reaction also changes
the flavour and nutritive quality of dairy products, in the latter
case through reduced digestibility of the caseins and loss of
available lysine.
Moderately intense heating also causes the isomerisation of
lactose to lactulose. Lactulose, a disaccharide of galactose and
fructose that does not occur naturally, is of interest as a bifi-
dogenic factor and as a laxative. More severe treatments (e.g.,
sterilisation) will result preferentially in Maillard reactions.
There is particular interest in the use of products of heat-
induced changes in lactose, such as lactulose and forosine, as
indices of heat treatment of milk (Birlouez-Aragon et al. 2002).

Heat-Induced Changes in Milk Lipids

There are little effects of heating on milk triglycerides at the
temperatures commonly encountered in dairy processing. Heat-
ing at modest temperatures can promote oxidation of lipids, but
more severe heating inhibits oxidation (van Boekel and Walstra
1998). However, heat-induced denaturation of whey proteins can
result in their interaction with the milk fat globule membrane
(MFGM) (Huppertz et al. 2009). Because of denaturation of im-
munoglobulins, creaming due to cold agglutination of milk fat
globules is prevented in heated milk.

Inactivation of Enzymes on Heating of Milk

Heat treatment of milk inactivates many enzymes, both indige-
nous and endogenous (i.e., of bovine or bacterial origin). The
inactivation of enzymes is of interest, both for the stability of
heated milk products and as indices of heat treatment. Ther-
mal inactivation characteristics of a number of indigenous milk
enzymes are summarised in Table 25.3.
Because of its importance, the thermal inactivation kinetics
of several milk enzymes have been studied in detail (Andrews
et al. 1987). A case of particular interest is that of alkaline
phosphatase, which has been used since 1925 as an indicator
of the adequacy of pasteurisation of milk, because its ther-
mal inactivation kinetics in milk closely approximate those of

Table 25.3.Thermal Inactivation Characteristics of Some Indigenous Milk Enzymes

Enzyme Characteristics

Alkaline phosphatase Inactivated by pasteurisation; index of pasteurisation; may reactivate on storage
Lipoprotein lipase Almost completely inactivated by pasteurisation
Xanthine oxidase May be largely inactivated by pasteurisation, depending on whether milk is homogenised or not
Lactoperoxidase Affected little by pasteurisation; inactivated rapidly around 80◦C; used as an index of flash
pasteurisation or pasteurisation of cream
Sulphydryl oxidase About∼40% of activity survives pasteurisation, completely inactivated by UHT
Superoxide dismutase Largely unaffected by pasteurisation
Catalase Largely inactivated by pasteurisation but may reactivate during subsequent cold storage
Acid phosphatase Very thermostable; survives pasteurisation
Cathepsin D Largely inactivated by pasteurisation
Amylases (αandβ) Largely inactivated;βmore stable thanα
Lysozyme Largely survives pasteurisation

Source: Adapted From Farkye and Imifadon 1995 UHT, ultra-high temperature.
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