Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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484 Part 4: Milk

It also inhibits viral and bacterial adhesion, acts as a bifidogenic
factor, suppresses gastric secretions, modulates immune system
responses and inhibits the binding of bacterial toxins (e.g., tox-
ins produced by cholera andE. coli). Of particular interest from
the viewpoint of the commercial exploitation of CMP, relatively
high levels of this peptide are present in whey (∼4% of total
casein, 15–20% of protein in cheese whey, an estimated 180×
103 tonnes per annum are available globally in whey), and can
be recovered therefrom quite easily.
Overall, detailed information is lacking regarding the physio-
logical efficacy and mechanism of action of many milk protein-
derived peptides, and possible adverse effects. Technological
barriers also remain in terms of methods for industrial-scale
production and purification of desired products.


Milk powder is a key ingredient in many chocolate products, to
which they contribute flavour and texture, for example through
the role of milk fat in retarding the undesirable appearance of
a white discolouration called chocolate bloom. The presence of
milk powder (at levels up to 20% w/w) also influences process-
ing characteristics of the molten chocolate during manufacture,
for example flow properties. Certain characteristics of WMP
that may be undesirable in other applications (e.g., high free
fat content, low vacuole volume) are actually advantageous in
chocolate. For this reason, roller-drying was often preferred to
spray-drying for the production of milk powder for chocolate,
although the latter process may be modified to yield powers with
optimised properties for this application (Keogh et al. 2003). In
addition, new approaches for tailoring powder functionality for
chocolate, such as extrusion, have been described (Franke and
Heinzelmann 2008).


Today, a high proportion of infants in the developed world re-
ceive some or all of their nutritional requirements during the
first year of life from prepared infant formulae, as opposed
to breast milk. The raw material for such formulae is usually
bovine milk or ingredients derived therefrom, but there are sig-
nificant differences between the composition of bovine and hu-
man milk. This fact has led to the development of specialised
processing strategies for transforming its composition to a prod-
uct more nutritionally suitable for the human neonate. Today,
most formulae are in fact prepared from isolated constituents of
bovine milk (e.g., casein, whey proteins, lactose), blended with
non-milk components. This, combined with the requirement for
high hygienic standards and the absence of potentially harm-
ful agents, makes the manufacture of infant formulae a highly
specialised branch of the dairy processing industry, with almost
pharmaceutical-grade quality control.
Most infant formulae are formulated by blending dairy pro-
teins, vegetable (e.g., soya) proteins, lactose and other sugars,
with vegetable oils and fats, minerals, vitamins, emulsifiers and
micronutrients (O’Callaghan et al. 2011). The mixture of ingre-
dients is then homogenised and heat treated to ensure microbio-

logical safety. Subsequent processing steps differ in the case of
dry or liquid formulae.
The dairy ingredients used are generally demineralised, as
the mineral balance in bovine milk is very different from that
of human milk (Burling 2002), and desired minerals are added
back to the formula as required. Certain proteins (e.g., lactoferrin
andα-lactalbumin) are present at higher levels in human than in
bovine milk, andβ-lg is absent from the former. There is interest
in fortifying infant formulae withα-lactalbumin and/or lactofer-
rin, although technological challenges exist in the economical
production of such proteins at acceptable purity.
The exact formulation of infant formulae differs based on the
age and special requirements of the infant. Formulae for very
young (<6-months old) babies generally have a high proportion
of whey protein (e.g., 60% of total protein), whereas follow-on
formulae for older infants contain a higher level of casein. In
cases of infants with allergies to milk proteins or, in some cases,
proteins in general, formulae in which milk proteins have been
substituted by soya proteins or in which the proteins have been
hydrolysed to small peptides and amino acids may be used. Soya-
based formulae are also used in cases of intolerance to lactose.
The exact composition and level of added vitamins and min-
erals also differ based on nutritional requirements (O’Callaghan
et al. 2011). Certain lipids are of interest as supplements for
infant formulae, such as long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
and conjugated linoleic acids. The final category of additives
of interest for infant formulae is oligosaccharides, which are
present at quite high levels (∼15 g/L) in human milk (Urashima
et al. 2009). Such oligosaccharides may be produced enzymat-
ically, chemically synthesised or produced by fermentations;
for example conversion of lactose to prebiotic oligosaccharides
byβ-galactosidase, and challenges involved in such processes,
were reviewed by Gosling et al. (2010).
Two main categories of infant formulae are available in most
countries: dry and liquid (UHT). For dry powder manufacture,
the liquid mix is concentrated by evaporation and spray-dried
to yield a highly agglomerated powder that will disperse readily
in warm water (dissolving infant formulae is probably the most
common dairy powder reconstitution operation practiced by con-
sumers in the home). Some components may be dry-blended
with the base powder, allowing flexibility in manufacture for
different applications (e.g., infant age, dietary requirements,
etc.). Powdered formulae are typically packaged in N 2 /CO 2 -
flushed cans.
Liquid formulae (ready-to-feed) are generally subjected to far
more severe thermal treatment than those intended for drying,
for example UHT processing followed by aseptic packaging or
retort sterilisation of product in screw-capped glass jars. These
products, which are stable at room temperature, have the obvious
advantage of convenience over their dry counterparts.


In recent years, a number of novel processing techniques have
been developed for applications in food processing; major
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