Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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496 Part 4: Milk

Protein (g/100 g milk)







Lipids (g /100 g milk)






Stage of lactation (d)

0 30 60 90 120 150 180

Lactose (g / 100 g milk)









Figure 26.1.Influence of lactation stage on the concentration of (A)
protein, (B) lipids, or (C) lactose in equine milk. (Data from Ullrey
et al. (1966,•), Mariani et al. (2001,◦) Smolders et al. (1990,)
and Zicker and L ̈onnerdal (1994,∇).)

advancing lactation (Fig. 26.1B), whereas that the lipid content
in bovine milk shows a distinct minimum after approximately
3 months of lactation (Walstra et al. 2006a). The fat content of
asinine milk increases from approximately 0.5% to 1.5% from
days 15 to 105 but decreases sharply thereafter (Guo et al. 2007,
Salimei et al. 2004). Piccione et al. (2008) reported a decrease

in fat in the milk of Ragusana donkeys throughout lactation and
observed a daily rhythmicity, similar to that found in bovine and
human milk, for the levels of fat, lactose and protein in asinine
milk, with fat and lactose peaking at night and protein reaching
a maximum level during the daytime.

Effect of Equid Breed on Milk Composition

Data in the literature are not conclusive as to whether or not
the breed of mare has an effect on the concentration of protein
in milk. Kulisa (1977), Doreau et al. (1990), Csapo-Kiss et al. ́
(1995) and Csapo et al. (1995) reported no effect of breed on the ́
concentration of proteins or lipids in equine milk throughout lac-
tation. On the other hand, Boulot (1987) and Formaggioni et al.
(2003) have reported significant differences in protein content
between breeds. Civardi et al. (2002), who compared Arabian,
Haflinger, Trotter and Norico breeds, found that Norico milk
had significantly lowerα-lactalbumin (α-La), highest lysozyme
(Lyz) andβ-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) and highest thermal resistance
of the breeds studied. Pelizzola et al. (2006), who compared the
milk of Haflinger, Quarter horse, Sella/Salto and Rapid Heavy
Draft, found that Quarter horse milk had significantly higher
concentrations of the main constituents and higher concentra-
tions of linoleic andα-linolenic fatty acids (ALA) than in the
milk of the other species.
Asinine milk shows variability in fat content among breeds
and is reported to be as low as 0.4% for Martina Franca mares,
0.6% in Ragusana mares and as high as 1.7% in Jiangyue don-
keys (for these donkeys an increase from 0.5% to 1.7% was
recorded in the fat content of the milk over 180 days of lac-
tation) (Guo et al. 2007). Milk yield is significantly lower for
Jiangyue donkeys than for Martina Franca and Ragusana breeds
and the protein pattern of Jangyue milk is significantly different
from the other breeds (Guo et al. 2007)


While the protein content of mature equid milk is lower than
that of bovine milk, there is a strong qualitative resemblance, the
principal classes of proteins, that is caseins and whey proteins
are similar in both milks. However, while the caseins are the
predominant class of proteins in bovine milk (∼80% of total
milk protein), equid milk contains less casein and more whey
proteins. The distribution of casein and whey proteins in equid
milk is shown in Table 26.2, with comparative data for bovine
and human milk.


About 80% of the proteins in bovine milk are caseins that are
primarily a source of amino acids, calcium, phosphate and bioac-
tive peptides for neonates (Shekar et al. 2006). The low-casein
concentration in mature equine milk (∼55% of total protein) has
many implications that will be discussed later. The traditional
method for separating caseins from whey proteins is isoelectric
precipitation of the caseins at pH approximately 4.6. The ca-
sein fraction of most milks consists of four gene products:αs1-,
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