Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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500 Part 4: Milk

Table 26.4.Properties of Equine, Bovine and Human Para-κ-Casein and Caseinomacropeptide

Protein Species Residues


Weight (Da) pI GRAVYa

Para-κ-casein Equine 1–97 97 11,693.3 8.96 −0.675
Bovine 1–105 105 12,285.0 9.33 −0.617
Human 1–105 97 11,456.9 9.63 −1.004
CMP Equine 98–165 68 7,169.3 4.72 0.203
Bovine 106–169 63 6,707.4 4.04 −0.370
Human 106–162 65 6,723.7 4.24 0.182

aGrand average hydropathy (GRAVY) score using the scale of Kyte and Doolittle (1982).
Source: Modified from Uniacke et al. 2010.
CMP,C-terminal caseinomacropeptide.

summarised in Table 26.4, the CMPs released from equine and
humanκ-caseins are considerably less hydrophilic than bovine
CMP. The sequence 97–116 ofκ-casein is highly conserved
across species, suggesting that the limited proteolysis ofκ-casein
and subsequent coagulation of milk are of major biological sig-
nificance (Mercier et al. 1976, Martin et al. 2011)
A grouping system for mammals based onκ-casein structure
and the site of cleavage by chymosin has been suggested
(Mercier et al. 1976, Nakhasi et al. 1984). Group I species (cow,
goat, sheep and buffalo) have a higher content of dicarboxylic
amino acids and low hydrophobicity and carbohydrate content
andκ-casein is cleaved at Phe 105 –Met 106 , while Group II species
(horse, human, mouse, pig, rat) have a high proline content, less
dicarboxylic amino acids and a much higher hydrophobicity
and carbohydrate content and are cleaved at Phe 97 –Ile 98 or
Phe 105 –Leu 106. Marsupialκ-casein appears to form a separate
group with a cleavage site different from that in eutherian
mammals (Stasiuk et al. 2000). Cleavage of equine milk at
Phe 97 –Ile98,as well as other characteristics of itsκ-casein,
place the horse in Group II. The divergence between species
into Groups I and II could account for differences in the clotting
mechanisms of ruminant and non-ruminant milks (Herskovits
1966). In addition to the differences in cleavage site, the
grouping system also divides species based on the number of
O-glycosylation sites in κ-caseins. As equine and human
κ-casein are considerably more highly glycosylated than bovine
κ-casein and non-glycosylatedκ-casein has not been found in
equine milk (Egito et al. 2001), equine and humanκ-caseins
belong to the same group. The level of glycosylation does not
affect micelle structure but it does affect the susceptibility ofκ-
casein to hydrolysis by chymosin, with susceptibility decreasing
as the level of glycosylation increases (Doi et al. 1979, Addeo
et al. 1984, Van Hooydonk et al. 1984, Vreeman et al. 1986,
Zbikowska et al. 1992). Therefore, equine milk probably has a
different clotting mechanism by chymosin than bovine milk.

Equid Casein Micelles

In the milk of all species studied in sufficient detail, the caseins
exist predominantly as micelles, which are hydrated spheri-

cal structures with dimensions in the sub-micron range. The
dry matter of casein micelles consists predominantly (>90%)
of proteins, with small amounts of inorganic matter, collec-
tively referred to as micellar calcium phosphate (MCP). The
structure and sub-structure of bovine casein micelles has been
studied in detail and reviews include: Holt and Horne (1996),
Horne (1998, 2006), De Kruif and Holt (2003), Phadungath
(2005), Farrell et al. (2006), Qi (2007), Fox and Brodkorb
Equine casein micelles are larger than bovine or human mi-
celles (Table 26.2) (Welsch et al. 1988, Buchheim et al. 1989)
while those of asinine milk are similar in size to bovine micelles
(Salimei 2011). Electron microscopy shows that bovine and
equine micelles have a similar ‘spongy’ appearance, while hu-
man micelles seem to have a much ‘looser’, more open structure
(Jasi ́nska and Jaworska 1991). Such a loose open structure may
affect the susceptibility to hydrolysis by pepsin. Jasinska and ́
Jaworska (1991) reported that human micelles are much more
susceptible to pepsin hydrolysis than either equine or bovine
micelles. There are no specific reports on the sub-structure of
equine casein micelles although equine milk does contain ap-
proximately 10.1 mmol.L−^1 micellar calcium and approximately
2.6 mmol.L−^1 micellar inorganic phosphate, suggesting a micel-
lar calcium:casein ratio of>20:1 which, on a molar basis, far ex-
ceeds the calcium-binding capacity of equine casein molecules.
Hence, it may be assumed that equine micelles, like bovine ca-
sein micelles, contain nanoclusters of calcium phosphate. Since
equine milk contains little or noκ-casein, unphosphorylatedβ-
casein may play a role in micellar stability (Ochirkhuyag et al.
2000, Doreau and Martin-Rosset 2002). A similar conclusion
was reported by Dev et al. (1994) for the stabilisation of human
casein micelles.
Both equine αs1-casein (residues 75–81) and β-casein
(residues 23–28) contain a phosphorylation centre, which is
required for the formation of nanoclusters; furthermore, both
proteins also contain distinct hydrophobic regions through
which solvent-mediated protein–protein interactions may oc-
cur. Equineαs2-casein may have similar properties to equine
αs1-casein, pending further characterisation. The ratio of micel-
lar calcium:micellar inorganic phosphate is 2.0 in equine milk,
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