Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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26 Equid Milk: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Processing 501

but approximately 3:9 in bovine milk (Holt and Jenness 1984)
and might indicate that either a smaller proportion of micellar
calcium is incorporated into nanoclusters in equine milk, or that
equine nanoclusters contain a higher proportion of casein-bound
phosphate, which would imply smaller nanoclusters. However,
unlike bovineκ-casein, equineκ-casein does not have a dis-
tinctly hydrophilicC-terminal domain; thus, it is unclear if this
part of the protein is capable of protruding from the micellar
surface to sterically stabilise the micelles. Furthermore, given
that the size of casein micelles and the content ofκ-casein are
inversely related (Yoshikawa et al. 1982, Dalgleish 1998.), a
low level ofκ-casein would be expected in equine milk com-
pared to bovine milk. Further research is required to elucidate
the structure of equine and asinine casein micelles as destabili-
sation of the micelles is the basis for the successful conversion
of milk into a range of dairy products, for example cheese or

Stability of Equid Casein Micelles

Coagulation of milk occurs when the colloidal stability of the
casein micelles is destroyed and may be desirable or undesir-
able. Coagulation is desirable in the manufacture of yoghurt
and cheese and is also important from a nutritional point of
view, as clotting of the caseins in the stomach, and the type
and structure of the resultant coagulum strongly affect di-
gestibility. In contrast, heat-induced coagulation of casein mi-
celles, which can occur at a temperature> 120 ◦C, is undesir-
able. In this section, common types of micellar instability are
Bovine casein micelles are sterically stabilised by a brush of
predominantlyκ-casein (De Kruif and Zhulina 1996), which
protrudes from the micelle surface. Coagulation of casein mi-
celles can occur only following collapse of the brush, which
occurs on acidification of milk, that is in the manufacture of yo-
ghurt or on removal of the brush that occurs on rennet-induced
coagulation of milk. The combined process of enzyme- and
acid-induced coagulation is likely to contribute to coagulation
of casein micelles in the stomach.

Enzymatic Coagulation of Equid Milk

Enzymatic coagulation of milk is the first step in the manufac-
ture of most cheese varieties and also plays an important role
in the flocculation of casein micelles in the stomach. For cheese
manufacture, the process involves the addition of a milk-clotting
enzyme, for example chymosin, to the milk, followed by incu-
bation at a temperature≥ 30 ◦C. During the incubation of bovine
milk with rennet, chymosin hydrolyses the Phe 105 –Met 106 bond
ofκ-casein, leading to the formation of two fragments, the hy-
drophobicN-terminal fragment, f1–105, which remains attached
to the casein micelles and is referred to as para-κ-casein, and the
hydrophilicC-terminal fragment, f106–169, which is released
into the milk serum and is referred to as the CMP. As a result, the
micelles lose steric stabilisation and become susceptible to ag-
gregation, particularly in the presence of Ca^2 +(for reviews, see
Walstra and Jenness 1984, Wong et al. 1988, Walstra 1990, Fox
and McSweeney 1998, Walstra et al. 2006b). Equineκ-casein is
hydrolysed slowly by chymosin at the Phe 97 –Ile 98 bond (Kotts
and Jenness 1976, Egito et al. 2001), without gel formation,
and it appears that either the chymosin-sensitive bond of equine
κ-casein is located in the micelle in a manner that renders it inac-
cessible by chymosin, or that the equine casein micelle derives
colloidal stability from constituents other thanκ-casein. The
high degree of glycosylation may also affect the ability of chy-
mosin to hydrolyse equineκ-casein. Figure 26.2 illustrates the
coagulation of equine, asinine and bovine milk by calf chymosin
at 30◦C. While it is clear that no gel is formed from equine milk,
as judged by lack of an increase in storage modulus, G^1 , asinine
milk seems to form a gel, although it is very weak compared to
the gel formed from bovine milk. Further investigation is war-
ranted to determine if there are differences in the coagulation
properties of asinine and equine milk.

Acid-induced Coagulation of Equid Milk

When bovine milk is acidified to a pH below 5.0, flocculation
of casein micelles occurs, leading ultimately to gel formation.
This process is the basis of the manufacture of yoghurt, in which
acidification is induced by the production of lactic acid by lactic
acid bacteria and also occurs at the low pH of the stomach (for





0 20 40 60 80 100 120




Time (min)

Log G' (Pa)

Figure 26.2.Rennet-induced coagulation of equine milk (----), asinine milk (---) and bovine milk ( )at30◦C.
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