Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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26 Equid Milk: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Processing 517

Table 26.16.Physical Properties of the Milk of Equid Species, with Comparative Data for Bovine and Human Milk

Property Equine Milk Equine Colostrum Asinine Milk Bovine Milk Human milk

Freezing point (◦C) −0.525 –

  • −0.55 –

−0.512 –

pH (25◦C) 7.1–7.3 – 7.01–7.35 6.5–6.7 6.8
Density (kg.m−^3 ), (20◦C) 1032 1080 1029–1037 1027–1033 1031
Refractive index, nD^20 1.3394 1.340–1.354 – 1.344–1.349 –

Viscosity (mPa s) 1.5031 – – 1.6314 –

Zeta potential (mV) −10.3 – – −20.0 –

Colour L∗a∗b∗ 86.52,−2.34,−0.15 – 80.88


Source: Modified from Uniacke and Fox 2011.

1.339 (Waelchli et al. 1990). The higher refractive index of
colostrum than of mature milk is probably related to its higher
total solids content, since the refractive index increases with
increasing mass fraction of each solute. The refractive index of
bovine milk is in the range 1.344–1.349 (Singh et al. 1997).


There is considerable variation among reported values for the
pH of equine milk. Mariani et al. (2001) reported that its pH
4 dayspost-partumis approximately 6.6 and increases to ap-
proximately 6.9 after 20 days and to approximately 7.1 at 180
days post-partum. A value of approximately 7.0 for the pH for
mature equine milk was reported by K ̈uc ̈ukcetin et al. (2003),
but Pagliarini et al. (1993) reported an average value of ap-
proximately 7.2. The pH of bovine milk is generally between
6.5 and 6.7 (Singh et al. 1997) and increases during lactation
(Tsioulpas et al. 2007). These differences are presumably re-
lated to differences in protein and salt composition of the milks.

Freezing Point

The freezing point of milk is directly related to the concen-
trations of water-soluble compounds therein. Fat globules and
proteins have a negligible influence on freezing point, with the
main effect arising from lactose and minerals. A freezing point
of−0.554◦C (Pagliarini et al. 1993) or−0.548◦C (Neseni et al.
1958) has been reported for equine milk, whereas the vast ma-
jority of bovine milk samples have a freezing point in the range
−0.512 to−0.550◦C (Singh et al. 1997). The lower freezing
point of equine milk is probably related to its higher lactose


Equid milks are less viscous than bovine milk due to a lower
total solids content.


Equid milk may be expected to be less white than bovine milk
due to its low protein content and large casein micelles but this
is not the case and equid milk is considerably whiter due to the
absence ofβ-carotene that confers a yellow colour to bovine


Because of its unique physico-chemical properties outlined ear-
lier, the processing of equine and asinine milk into traditional
dairy products is not possible; cheese is not produced from these
milks as a firm curd is not formed on renneting. Equid milk will
form a weak coagulum under acidic conditions and this is ex-
ploited in the production of yoghurt-type products with reputed
probiotic and therapeutic properties. Traditionally, and to date,
the only significant product from equine milk is the fermented
product, koumiss, the production and properties of which are de-
scribed below in section ‘Koumiss’. Interest in koumiss produc-
tion has grown recently which may be attributed to the fact that,
worldwide, the overall consumption of fermented milk products
has grown faster than the consumption of fresh milk (IDF 2009).
Fermentation is one of the oldest methods for preserving
milk and probably dates back approximately 10,000 years to
the Middle East where the first organised agriculture occurred.
Traditional fermented milk products have been developed inde-
pendently worldwide and were, and continue to be, especially
important in areas where transportation, pasteurisation and re-
frigeration facilities are inadequate. Worldwide, milk from eight
species of domesticated mammals (cow, buffalo, sheep, goat,
camel, horse, reindeer and yak) have been used to produce tradi-
tional fermented milk products. There are three categories of fer-
mented milks, those resulting from lactic fermentations, yeast-
lactic fermentations and mould (Geotrichum candidum)-lactic
fermentations. Koumiss and kefir belong to the yeast-lactic fer-
mentation group where alcoholic fermentation by yeasts is used
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