Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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624 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

unique starch, with its high amylose, low amylopectin, and high
phosphorus levels, offers novel properties for food and industrial
applications. A further example of altered phosphate starch is
provided by research into potato plants deficient in GWD (pre-
viously known as R1, Lorberth et al. 1998, Ritte et al. 2002)).
The importance of starch phosphorylation becomes clear when
it is considered that starch phosphate monoesters increase the
clarity and viscosity of starch pastes and decrease the gela-
tinization and retrogradation rate. Interestingly, crops that pro-
duce high-amylose starches are characterized by considerably
lower yield (Jobling 2004). Additional transgenic or breeding ap-
proaches, as discussed in Section “Manipulation of Starch Yield”
will be required to minimize the yield penalty that goes along
with the manipulation of crops for altered starch structure and
As discussed previously for starch yield, the importance of
starch degradative processes in determination of starch structural
properties is currently poorly understood. However, it represents
an interesting avenue for further research.


In this chapter we have reviewed the pathway organization of
starch synthesis within the potato tuber and detailed how it can
be modulated through transgenesis to result in higher starch
yield or the production of starches of modified structure. While
several successful examples exist for both types of manipula-
tion, these are yet to reach the field. It is likely that such crops,
once commercially produced, will yield both industrial and nu-
tritional benefits to society. In addition to this, other genetic and
biochemical factors may well also influence starch yield and
structure, and further research is required in this area in order to
fully optimize these parameters in crop species. In this context,
transgenic approaches complementary to conventional breeding
will allow more “fine-tuning” of starch properties.


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