Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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634 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals





Maltose Maltotriose

Sucrose homocysteine

H 2 S H 2 S

Amino acids
Fructose Fructose-6-P
Pyruvate Keto acids


Amino acids

Fatty acyl CoA

Organic acids Acetyl CoA

Fatty acids


Figure 33.2.Interrelation between yeast metabolism and the
production of bioflavoring by-products.

(aldehydes and vicinal diketones), and sulfur-containing com-
pounds (Hammond 1993). In addition, some speciality beers can
contain important concentrations of volatile phenol compounds
(Vanbeneden et al. 2007).

Biosynthesis of Higher Alcohols

During beer fermentation, higher alcohols (also called “fusel
alcohols”) are produced by yeast cells as by-products and repre-
sent the major fraction of the volatile compounds. More than
35 higher alcohols in beer have been described. Table 33.3
gives the most important compounds, which can be classified

into aliphatic (n-propanol, isobutanol, 2-methylbutanol (or ac-
tive amyl alcohol), and 3-methylbutanol (or isoamyl alcohol)),
and aromatic (2-phenylethanol, tyrosol, tryptophol) higher alco-
hols. Aliphatic higher alcohols contribute to the “alcoholic” or
“solvent” aroma of beer, and produce a warm mouthfeel. The
aromatic alcohol 2-phenylethanol has a sweet rose-like aroma
and has a positive contribution to the beer aroma. It is believed
that this compound masks the dimethyl sulfide (DMS) percep-
tion (Hegarty et al. 1995). The aroma of tyrosol and tryptophol
are undesirable, but they are only present above their thresholds
in some top-fermented beers.
Higher alcohols are synthesized by yeast during fermenta-
tion via the catabolic (Ehrlich) and anabolic pathway (amino
acid metabolism) (Ehrlich 1904, Chen 1978, Oshita et al. 1995,
Hazelwood et al. 2008). In the catabolic pathway, the yeast
uses the amino acids of the wort to produce the correspond-
ingα-keto acid via a transamination reaction. Isoamyl alcohol,
isobutanol, and phenylethanol are produced via this route from
leucine, valine, and phenylalanine, respectively. An outsider in
this pathway is propanol, which is derived from threonine via
an oxidative deamination. The excess oxoacids are subsequently
decarboxylated into aldehydes and further reduced (alcohol de-
hydrogenase) to higher alcohols. This last reduction step also
regenerates NAD+.
Dickinson and coworkers looked at the genes and enzymes,
which are used byS. cerevisiaein the catabolism of leucine
to isoamyl alcohol (Dickinson et al. 1997), valine to isobu-
tanol (Dickinson et al. 1998), and isoleucine to active amyl
alcohol (Dickinson et al. 2000). In all cases, the general se-
quence of biochemical reactions is similar, but the details for
the formation of the individual alcohols are surprisingly differ-
ent. The branched-chain amino acids are first deaminated to the
correspondingα-ketoacids (α-ketoisocapric acid from leucine,
α-ketoisovaleric acid from valine, andα-keto-β-methylvaleric

Table 33.3.Major Higher Alcohols in Beer (Partly Adapted From NN 2000.)


Flavor Threshold
(mg/L) Aroma or Taste(b)

Concentration Range
(mg/L) Bottom

Concentration Range
(mg/L) Top Fermentation

n-Propanol 600 (c), 800(b) Alcohol 7–19 (12)(a),(f), 6–30(j) 20–45(i)
Isobutanol 100 (c), 80–100(g),
200 (b)

Alcohol 4–20 (12)(f), 6–32(j) 10–24(i)

2-Methylbutanol 50 (c), 50–60(g),70(b) Alcohol 9–25 (15)(a), 12–16(j) 80–140(i)
3-Methylbutanol 50 (c), 50–60(g),65(b) Fusely, pungent 25–75 (46)(a), 30–60(j) 80–140(i)
2-Phenylethanol 5 (a),40(c), 45–50(g),
75 (d), 125(b)

Roses, sweetish 11–51 (28)(f), 4–22(g),
16–42(h), 4–10(j)

35–50(g),8–25(a), 18–45(i)

Tyrosol 10 (a), 10–20(e),20(c),
100 (d), (g), 200(b)

Bitter chemical 6–9(a), 6–15(a) 8–12((g), 7–22(g)

Tryptophol 10 (a), 10–20(e), 200(d) Almonds, solvent 0.5–14(a) 2–12(g)

Sources: (a) Szlavko (1973), (b) Meilgaard (1975a), (c) Engan (1972), (d) Rosculet (1971), (e) Charalambous et al. (1972), (f) Values in
48 European lagers (Dufour unpublished date), (g) Reed and Nogodawithana (1991), (h) Iverson (1994), (i) Derdelinckx (unpublished data),
(j) immobilised cells (Willaert and Nedovic 2006).
aMean value.
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