Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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33 Biochemistry of Beer Fermentation 635

acid from leucine). There are significant differences in the way
eachα-ketoacid is subsequently decarboxylated. The catabolism
of phenylalanine to 2-phenylethanol and of tryptophan were also
studied (Dickinson et al. 2003). Phenylalanine and tryptophan
are first deaminated to 3-phenylpyruvate and 3-indolepyruvate,
respectively, and then decarboxylated. These studies revealed
that all amino acid catabolic pathways studied to date use a sub-
tle different spectrum of decarboxylases from the five-membered
family that comprises Pdc1p, Pdc5p, Pdc6p, Ydl080cp, and
Ydr380wp. Using strains containing all possible combinations of
mutations affecting the sevenAADgenes (putative aryl alcohol
dehydrogenases), fiveADHandSFA1(other alcohol dehydroge-
nase genes), showed that the final step of amino acid catabolism
can be accomplished by any one of the ethanol dehydrogenases
(Ahd1p, Ahd2p, Ahd3p, Ahd4p, Ahd5p) or Sfa1p (formalde-
hyde dehydrogenase).
In the anabolic pathway, the higher alcohols are synthesized
fromα-keto acids during the synthesis of amino acids from the
carbohydrate source. The pathway choice depends on the indi-
vidual higher alcohol and on the level of available amino acids
available. The importance of the anabolic pathway decreases
as the number of carbon atoms in the alcohol increases (Chen
1978) and increases in the later stage of fermentation as wort
amino acids are depleted (MacDonald et al. 1984). Yeast strain,
fermentation conditions, and wort composition all have signif-
icant effects on the combination and levels of higher alcohols
that are formed (MacDonald et al. 1984).
Conditions that promote yeast cell growth such as high lev-
els of nutrients (amino acids, oxygen, lipids, zinc,...)andin-
creased temperature and agitation stimulate the production of
higher alcohols (Engan 1969, Engan and Aubert 1977, Landaud
et al. 2001, Boswell et al. 2002). The synthesis of aromatic al-
cohols is especially sensitive to temperature changes. On the
other hand, conditions that restrict yeast growth, such as lower
temperature and higher pressure, reduce the extent of higher
alcohol production. Higher pressures can reduce the extent of
cell growth and, therefore, the production of higher alcohols
(Landaud et al. 2001). The yeast strain, fermentation conditions,
and wort composition have all significant effects on the pattern
and concentrations of synthesized higher alcohols. Supplemen-

tation of wort with valine, isoleucine, and leucine induces the
formation of isobutanol, amyl alcohol, and isoamyl alcohol, re-
spectively (Ayr ̈ ̈ap ̈aa 1971, Kodama et al. 2001). The overexpres- ̈
sion of the branched chain amino acid transferases genesBAT1
andBAT2result in an increased production of isoamyl alcohol
and isobutanol (Lilly et al. 2006).

Biosynthesis of Esters

Esters are very important flavor compounds in beer. They have
an effect on the fruity/flowery aromas. Table 33.4 shows the
most important esters with their threshold values, which are
considerably lower than those for higher alcohols. The major
esters can be subdivided into acetate esters and C 6 –C 10 medium-
chain fatty acid ethyl esters. They are desirable components of
beer when present in appropriate quantities and proportions but
can become unpleasant when in excess.
Esters are produced by yeast both during the growth phase
(60%) and also during the stationary phase (40%) (NN 2000).
They are formed by the intracellular reaction between a fatty
acyl-coenzyme A and an alcohol:


This reaction is catalyzed by alcohol acyltransferases
(AATases; or ester synthethases) of the yeast. Since acetyl CoA
is also a central molecule in the synthesis of lipids and sterols,
ester synthesis is linked to the fatty acid metabolism (see also
Fig. 33.2). The majority of acetyl-CoA is formed by oxidative
decarboxylation of pyruvate, while most of the other acyl-CoAs
are derived from the acylation of free CoA, catalyzed by acyl-
CoA synthase.
Several enzymes are involved in the synthesis, the best char-
acterized are AATase I and II that are encoded byATF1and
ATF2. Alcohol acetyltransferase (AAT) has been localized in
the plasma membrane (Malcorps and Dufour 1987) and found
to be strongly inhibited by unsaturated fatty acids, ergosterol,
heavy metal ions, and sulfydryl reagents (Minetoki et al. 1993).
Subcellular fractionation studies conducted during the batch
fermentation cycle demonstrated the existence of both cy-
tosolic and membrane-bound AAT (Ramos-Jeunehomme et al.
1989, Ramos-Jeunehomme et al. 1991). In terms of controlling

Table 33.4.Major Esters in Beer (Adapted From Dufour and Malcorps 1994.)

Compound Flavor Threshold (mg/L) Aroma

Concentration Range (mg/L) in
48 Lagers

Ethyl actetate 20–30, 30(a) Fruity, solvent-like 8–32 (18.4)(a),5–40(b)
Isoamyl acetate 0.6–1.2, 1.2(a) Banana, peardrop 0.3–3.8 (1.72),<0.01–2.8(b)
Ethyl caproate (ethyl

0.17–0.21, O.21(a) Apple-like with note
of aniseed

0.05–0.3 (0.14), 0.01–0.54(b)

Ethyl caprylate
(ethyl octanoate)

0.3–0.9, 0.9(a) Apple-like 0.04–0.53 (0.17), 0.01–1.2(b)


3.8(a) Roses, honey, apple,

0.10–0.73 (0.54)

Source: (a) Meilgaard (1975b) and (b) immobilised cells (Willaert and Nedovic 2006).
aMean value.
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