Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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658 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

Table 34.2.Substitution Degrees (A/X Ratios) and Xylose Substitution Levels (%) of Alkali-Solubilized
Water-Unextractable Arabinoxylans (AS-AX) from Rye Bran and Flour

Source Extraction Solventa A/X Unb Monob Dib Reference

Rye bran 1.1 M NaOH 0.14 88 12 0 Hromadkova et al. 1987
Rye bran 1% NH 4 OH 0.78 41 33 26 Ebringerova et al. 1990
Rye bran Saturated Ba(OH) 2 0.65 61 29 10 Vinkx et al. 1995b
H 2 O 0.55 64 24 12
1.0 M KOH 0.21 89 8 3
Delignification followed 1.10 21 46 33
by 1.0 M KOH
Rye bran Saturated Ba(OH) 2 0.54 NDc ND ND Nilsson et al. 1996
H 2 O 0.60 ND ND ND
4.0 M KOH 0.27 ND ND ND
2.0 M KOH 1.08 ND ND ND
Rye bran Saturated Ba(OH) 2 0.56 57 29 14 Nilsson et al. 1999

Rye flour Saturated Ba(OH) 2 0.68 46 40 14 Vinkx 1994
H 2 O 0.78 44 34 22
1.0 M KOH 0.72 ND ND ND
Rye flour Saturated Ba(OH) 2 0.67 ND ND ND Nilsson et al. 1996
H 2 O 0.93 ND ND ND
4.0 M KOH 0.63 ND ND ND
2.0 M KOH 1.10
Rye flour Saturated Ba(OH) 2 0.69–0.70 51 28–29 20–21 Cyran et al. 2004
H 2 O 0.79–0.84 42–44 32–34 22–26
1.0 M NaOH 0.70–0.77 45–48 33 19–22

aConsecutive extraction solvents in one reference indicate sequential alkaline extraction.
bUn, mono, and di: percentages of total xylose occurring as unsubstituted, O-2 and/or O-3 monosubstituted, and O-2, O-3 disubstituted xylose
cND=Not determined.

water-extractable counterparts (620–1200 k) (Meuser et al.
1986). For rye bran water-unextractable arabinoxylans, how-
ever, Vinkx et al. (1995b) found that the molecular weight of
arabinoxylans solubilized with alkali were in the same range as
those reported for water-extractable arabinoxylans (Vinkx et al.
Rye arabinoxylans were reported to have an extended, rodlike
conformation (Anger et al. 1986, Girhammar and Nair 1992a).
In contrast, Dervilly-Pinel et al. (2001) stated that the water-
extractable arabinoxylans from rye have a random coil confor-

Ferulic Acid Content Ferulic acid residues can link adjacent
arabinoxylan chains through formation of diferulic acid bridges,
thereby affecting extractability of arabinoxylans.
Ferulic acid and ferulic acid dehydrodimer contents in rye
vary from 0.90 to 1.17% and from 0.24 to 0.41%, respectively,
and are significantly influenced by both rye genotype and harvest
year (Andreasen et al. 2000b). These phenolic compounds are
concentrated in the bran of the rye kernel (Andreasen et al.
2000a, Glitso and Bach Knudsen 1999).
The water-extractable arabinoxylans from rye flour contain
low levels of ferulic acid (0.03–0.15%) (Figueroa-Espinoza

et al. 2002, Vinkx et al. 1993) and ferulic acid dehydrodimers
(0.03× 10 −^2 %) (Dervilly-Pinel et al. 2001, Figueroa-Espinoza
et al. 2002).
The water-unextractable arabinoxylans from rye flour contain
higher amounts of ferulic acid (0.20–0.36%) and ferulic acid de-
hydrodimers (0.35%) than their water-extractable counterparts
(Figueroa-Espinoza et al. 2002). After alkaline extraction with
saturated barium hydroxide and 1.0 M sodium hydroxide, rye
flour arabinoxylans still contain a substantial level of ferulic acid.
Further fractionation of these arabinoxylans by ammonium sul-
fate precipitation reveals increasing levels of ferulic acid with
increasing ammonium sulfate concentration (Cyran et al. 2004).
This observation might corroborate the above-mentioned hy-
pothesis that the different arabinoxylan fractions with varying
structures obtained from rye flour may reflect contamination of
the rye flour with bran fractions.

Arabinoxylan Physicochemical Properties

Solubility of a large part of the individual arabinoxylan
molecules in water is mainly associated with the presence of
arabinose substituents attached to the xylose residues, which
prevent intermolecular aggregation of unsubstituted xylose
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