Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

BLBS102-c38 BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 14:17 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come

740 Part 7: Food Processing

Table 38.10.Calculation of Process Time (B)Using
Stumbo Method

1 jh 0.96
2 fh 12.6 min
3 Process lethality (Fo)5min
4 Retort temperature (Tr) 245 ◦F
5 Initial temperature (Ti) 175 ◦F
6 Ih=Tr−Ti 70 ◦F= 245 − 175
7 jh∗Ih 67.2
8 Log(jch∗Ih) 1.75
9 Zvalue 18 ◦F
10 Fi= 10

( 250 −T

11 fh/U=fh/(Fo∗Fi) 1.33
12 jcc
From Stumbo’s table forz= 18 ◦F
(18◦F) (jcc=1.6), obtaing
value by interpolation
1.00 0.638
2.00 2.34
Interpolatedgvalue is 1.2 for
fh/Uvalue of 1.33


13 log g 0.0792
14 B=fh[log (jchIh)−log g)] 21.68 min

Table 38.11.Calculation of Process Lethality (F 0 )Using
Stumbo Method

1 jh 1.9
2 fh 36.2 min
3 Operator process time (Pt)42min
4 CUT 10 min
5 Retort temperature (Tr) 255 ◦F
6 Initial temperature (Ti) 160 ◦F
7 Ih=Tr−Ti 95 ◦F
8 jch∗Ih 180.5
9 Log(jch∗Ih) 2.26
10 zvalue 18 ◦F
11 Fi= 10

( 250 −Tr

12 B=Pt+42%CUT 46.2 min
12 B/fh 1.28
13 log g=log(jch∗Ih)−B/fh 0.98
14 g 9.55
15 jcc
From Stumbo’s table forz= 18 ◦F
(jcc=0.8). Obtainfh/Uvalue
by interpolation
10.00 8.24
? 9.55
15.00 10.16
Interpolatedfh/Uvalue is
13.41 forgvalue of 9.55


16 F 0 =fh/[(fh/U)∗Fi] 5.1 min

two effects to get a better quality safe product. This goal can be
achieved by optimizing thermal process conditions. In order to
achieve proper process optimization, accurate determination of
kinetic parameters of microorganisms, spoilage enzymes, and
quality factors are crucial. The need to optimize processing con-
ditions arises when the kinetic behavior of the different com-
ponents is considered because the rate of a chemical reaction
generally doubles for a 10◦C rise in temperature, whereas rates
of bacterial destruction increase tenfold under similar condi-
tions (Holdsworth 1985). Gathered kinetic parameters are used
to develop reliable predictive models that will ensure to produce
better quality products without compromising food safety.
There are two key issues that should be explored to pro-
duce better-quality safe products. The first choice may focus
on reducing thermal intensity levels, through reducing of the
heating, and cooling times associated with the process through
improving heat transfer property of processing condition and
modification of geometry of packaging material. The other op-
tion is to look for novel thermal or nonthermal food processing
technologies that will ensure better quality products with rel-
atively same degree of safety. New preservation technologies
are utilized because of their expected potential to inactivate mi-
croorganisms and spoilage enzymes with a very little damage
on product quality.

High-Temperature Short-Time and Ultra-High
Temperature Processing

As the names implies, high-temperature short-time (HTST) and
ultra high temperature (UHT) processes use higher tempera-
tures and shorter processing times than conventional thermal
processes to improve quality of foods and beverages. Because
the products are exposed to high temperatures for short times,
there is reduced degradation of quality factors of the products
while causing a greater effect on destruction of food microor-
The principle of HTST or UHT process is easily understood by
comparing the heat resistance of nutrient components, microbial
spores, and vegetative bacteria (Figure 38.9). TheDvalue at
reference temperature for vegetative bacteria are in fraction of
seconds (z= 5 ◦C); microbial spores, 0.2 minute (z= 10 ◦C); and
nutrient components, 100–150 minutes (z= 25 − 30 ◦C). This
variation gives an opportunity to optimize processing condition
for better quality production of foods and beverages.
From destruction of vegetative bacteria point of view, area (A,
B, and C) beneath the dotted line of the graph are not acceptable
(Figure 38.9). In these sections, the vegetative bacteria are not
yet destroyed. The same is true for section D, E, and F, where
the product is cooked but spore formers still survive the heat
treatment. All sections of G, H, and I above the bold line gives
sterile product. However, the question that comes here is that,
to what extent the product is cooked with respect to the quality
factors. The top and bottom brokenDlines represent 90% and
10% destruction of a nutrient component, respectively. Particu-
larly, section I of the graph gives a safe product with less than
10% destruction of nutrient. This is the region corresponding to
HTST or UHT treatment as indicated by the arrows.
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