Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

BLBS102-c38 BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 14:17 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come

38 Thermal Processing Principles 741

90% destruction of nutrient

40% destruction of nutrient

10% destruction of nutrient











Figure 38.9.A diagram of resistance of nutrient (- - -), microbial spores (–), vegetative bacteria (•••), and HTST heating principle.

For instance, in UHT sterilization process, milk is exposed for
2–5 seconds at high temperatures of 140–145◦C to kill bacteria
spores. UHT treatment limits browning of the milk, development
of cooked flavor, and denaturation of proteins. In HTST pasteur-
ization, milk is subjected to a temperature of 71.1◦C for 15–20
seconds. HTST or UHT approaches are not always beneficial
for conduction heating food products that heat relatively slowly,
exhibiting large temperature gradients between surface and cen-
ter of the container. However, they are best for liquid foods and
liquids containing small particles that can heat rapidly while sub-
jected to in-container thermal processing or in-heat exchangers,
as an aseptic processing.

Agitation Processing

Some retorts agitate the cans during processing in order to in-
crease the rate of heat penetration in cans. As compared to static
retorts, the process time may be reduced by 80% because the con-
tents are heated up faster and more evenly. Agitation processing
is mainly groped into axial and end-over-end (EOE) type (Fig.
38.10). EOE involves the containers being loaded vertically and
a crate rotating around a central horizontal axis. During axial
rotation, cans are rotated individually in the horizontal plane.

As the containers are agitated inside a retort, the contents of
the containers are mixed uniformly; this eliminates cold spots
and increase heat penetration rate. Mixing largely is due to the
movement of the headspace bubble during agitation, and to be
effective, there must be sufficient headspace in cans. Both small
and large headspace may result in lower heat transfer, leading to
underprocessing because of limitation of mixing of food com-
ponents in cans. In addition to headspace, fill of the container,
solid to liquid ratio, consistency of the product, and the speed of
agitation are the crucial factors to be standardized in agitating
processing. Unless and otherwise these conditions are properly
optimized for a given product and processing condition, the re-
quired fast heat penetration may not be achieved.

Aseptic Processing

The word “asepsis” implies the process of removing pathogenic
microorganisms or protecting against infection by such organ-
isms. It can be defined as a state of control attained by using
an aseptic work area and performing activities in a manner
that precludes microbiological contamination of the exposed
sterile product. In food processing, aseptic processing involves
a section that precludes microbiological contamination of the

Cans in vertical position Cans in horizontal position

Figure 38.10.End-over-end and axial agitation orientation of cans in retort cage.
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