Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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742 Part 7: Food Processing

final sealed product. During aseptic processing, the product is
exposed to desired treatment temperature to eliminate food mi-
croorganisms and finally packed in sterile container in an aseptic
environment. This processing method is more efficient for liquid
products and liquid products containing small particles. Aseptic
processing sterilizes food and beverages in a way that puts the
least amount of thermal stress on a product, so nutrients and nat-
ural flavors, colors, and textures are maintained while sterility is
The aseptic process begins with sterilization of both the pro-
cessing system and the filler. Generally, this is done with hot
water or saturated steam. Food is then pumped into the aseptic
processing system for sterilization. The flow of food is con-
trolled via a timing pump, so that no food flows too fast or too
This process consists of heating, holding, cooling, and packing
steps. First, the product is heated and held for some time to attain
desired degree of sterilization. Once the food leaves the hold
tube, it is sterile and subject to contamination if microorganisms
are permitted to enter the system. The best way to keep the
product sterile is to keep it flowing and pressurized. Heating step
is followed by cooling of the product. The next step is moving the
product into an aseptic surge tank to hold the product just before
packaging. Meanwhile, the packaging material is sterilized from
the other side of the aseptic environment. Packaging material is
sterilized by liquid hydrogen peroxide at a high temperature.
After the food and package are sterilized, the sterile package is
filled with the food, closed, and sealed in a sterile chamber.
The direct and indirect heating processes used in aseptic pack-
aging can affect the final taste of the food. Indirect heating, the
food comes into contact with either a metal plate or tube, which
can give food, such as milk, a burnt flavor. There are three
types of indirect heating processes: plate heat exchangers, tubu-
lar heat exchangers, and scraped-surface heat exchangers. The
former two are mainly used for liquid foods and the latter one is
for more viscous and particulate foods to prevent fouling due to
high temperature effect. All use a physical separation between
the product and the heating medium and transfer heat through
either a plate or tube to the product.
Direct heating uses steam injection or steam infusion and
minimizes the burnt flavor of the product by letting the food
come into direct contact with the heat source. With steam in-
jection, product and steam are pumped through the same cham-
ber; while with steam infusion, the product is pumped through a
steam-filled infusion chamber. In all these heat exchangers, since
the product is directly exposed to heating medium or subjected
to thin profile mode of heating, it allows faster heat penetra-
tion within short period of time, which destroys microorganisms
with limited effect on quality of the product. That is why aseptic
processing is considered as HTST processing in terms of opti-
mization of quality with desired degree of safety. However, for
particulate foods, the rate of heat penetration in the center of the
slowest heating point of the product should be determined to en-
sure desired degree of pasteurization/sterilization. In particulate
foods, first the heat is exchanged between the heating medium
and liquid food, and then transferred to the particle. In this case,
it is difficult to measure the temperature of the moving particle.

The time–temperature profile in the particle can be estimated
using mathematical models. Based upon the data of the model
used, the particle should be held at appropriate temperature for
sufficient time to achieve the required sterilization value at the

Thin Profile and Retort Pouch Processing

Quality optimization is mainly achieved through enhancing the
heat transfer rate from the heating medium to the product. Any
resistance to rapid heat penetration slows down the heat pene-
tration rate and exposed the product for longer heating time.
The nature of packaging material, thickness, and its overall
thermal conductivity determine the heat transfer rate. In con-
ventional thermal processing, metal cans and glass containers
are the main type of containers used. However, the thickness
of these containers limits fast transfer of heat between heating
medium and product. Modification of geometric configuration
of the packaging materials from material thickness and geom-
etry point of view is additional opportunity to optimize quality
through improving heat transfer rate. Foods in rigid polymer
trays or flexible pouches heat more rapidly, owing to the thinner
material and smaller cross-section of the container.
Much of the retort pouch development was conducted by the
U.S. Army Natick Research and Development Center for use
in the Meal Ready-to-Eat (MRE), having relatively light weight
as compared to conventional metal containers. However, the
thin thickness of the pouch and its flat shape allows fast heat
penetration and contributes much on improvement of quality of
foods as compared to conventional packaging materials. The re-
tort pouch is a flexible, heat sealable container that is thermally
processed like a can and used to produce shelf stable, commer-
cially sterile food products. It is constructed of a 3-ply laminate
composed of an outer layer of polyester film, a middle layer of
aluminum foil, and an inner layer of polypropylene. The layers
are bonded together with a special adhesive. The tri-laminate
material provides seal integrity, toughness, puncture resistance,
printability, and superior barrier properties for long shelf life. It
also withstands the rigors of thermal processing up to 135◦C.
Retort pouches are filled with wet foods sealed and then heat-
treated in steam/hot water retort kettles to achieve commercial
sterilization (for shelf-stable foods) or pasteurization (for re-
frigerated foods). Because processing time typically is faster in
the pouch than in metal, glass, or rigid plastic containers, the
product tends to end up with better quality and safety. Pouches
also offer lower shipping and storage costs (pouch material is
lighter than cans, and pouches take up less storage space than
cans); easier, safer handling (no can openers or thawing time
required); and reduced product waste and reduced volumes of
disposed packaging waste material as compared to cans.
Some of the disadvantages include a lack of physical dura-
bility and slow production rates due to slow filling and sealing
rate as compared to cans or glass jars. Furthermore, it needs an
overpressure processing to protect the integrity of the packages
during processing. Pouches are more easily punctured; they can
overwrap for safe distribution.
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