Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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41 Microbial Safety of Food and Food Products 793

are reported annually in the United States. Individuals most sus-
ceptible to Listeriosis include the elderly, the young, immuno-
compromised patients, and pregnant woman. A wide variety of
foods including processed meats, milk and dairy products, fruits,
and vegetables have been implicated in a number of Listerioses
outbreaks. In 1999, a multistate outbreak involving 1000 cases
of Listeriosis in the United States was linked to consumption
of contaminated hot dogs and delicatessen meats, resulting in
a recall of 35 million pounds of these food products (MMWR


VerotoxigenicEscherichia coli(VTEC) belonging to the O157
serogroup is the most common VTEC serogroup implicated in
foodborne disease outbreaks. This organism was first recog-
nized as a cause of hemorrhagic colitis in 1982. VTEC O157
and serogroups O5, O26, and O111 are of high prevalence in fe-
ces of healthy cattle. Thus, foods of animal origin such as meat,
milk, and dairy products can be contaminated with these or-
ganisms. Other types of foods such as salads, vegetables, fruits,
sandwiches, and cooked meat can be contaminated during prepa-
ration. Contaminated water can also be a source of infection by
this organism. The majority of food- and waterborne outbreaks
had links with contamination of fecal origin. Infection by VTEC
can result in hemorrhagic colitis (HC) and hemolytic uremic
syndrome (HUS), abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea (bloody
or nonbloody). The HC symptoms may lead to complications
of the HUS and subsequent renal failure. Although HUS can
occur in any age group, children are more susceptible (Karmali
1989). In adults, 50% of thrombocytopenic purpura (TP) cases
are caused by HUS.
Other bacterial foodborne infections can occur as a result of in-
gestion of food contaminated withStaphylococcus aureustoxin,
Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinumtoxin, Shigella
spp.,Yersinia enterocolitica, Brucellaspp.,Vibrio cholera, Vib-
rio paraheamolylicus, andBacillus cereusenterotoxin.

Foodborne Parasite Infections

Foodborne parasite infections are caused by certain groups of
protozoa. It is believed that foodborne infections related to par-
asites are underreported by an estimated factor of 10 or more
(Casemore 1991), and the etiological agent of foodborne out-
breaks is identified in less than 50% of the cases (Bean et al.
1990, Cliver 1987). Parasites commonly associated with food-
borne disease and possible food and water sources are listed in
Table 41.3.
Cryptosporidium parvumis the species ofCryptosporidium
associated with infection in humans (Current and Blagburn
1990). It is a common cause of gastrointestinal infections in im-
munocompromised individuals and is an opportunistic pathogen
associated with infections in patients with acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS), but it affects healthy people as
well. Although drinking water contaminated with human or an-
imal feces is the usual source of transmission of this organ-

Table 41.3.Foodborne Parasites, Fungi, and Viruses
Associated with Food- or Waterborne Illness

Pathogen Sources of Pathogen or Toxin

Cryptosporidium Contaminated surface water or
foods in contact with
contaminated water
Cyclospora Raspberry, mesculun lettuce, and
Sarcocystis Raw or undercooked meat
Toxoplasma Raw or undercooked meat
Giardia Contaminated surface water
Penicillium Mycotoxins in apple juice, walnuts,
corn and cereals
Aspergillus Mycotoxins in groundnuts, corn,
figs and tree nuts
Fusarium Mycotoxins in cereals, corn, wheat
and barley
Hepatitis A and E Contaminated water, fruits and
vegetables, raw shellfish, raw
like viruses

Variety of foods and water

Calcivirus Water and contaminated foods
Astrovirus Water and contaminated foods

ism to humans, epidemiological links between the consump-
tion of contaminated foods such as raw sausage, offal, and
raw milk and cryptosporidiosis have been reported (Casemore
1990, Casemore et al. 1986). The largest outbreak of waterborne
cryptosporidiosis was reported in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with
403,000 persons ill. Reported outbreaks in most countries are
associated with contaminated drinking water or contaminated
swimming pools.
Cyclosporais an emerging pathogen, which causes diarrheal
infections in humans. The first reported outbreak ofCyclospora
infection occurred in 20 US states and two provinces in Canada,
Ontario and Quebec, during the months of May and June, 1996,
and April and May, 1997. Consumption of contaminated im-
ported raspberries was implicated in many of these outbreaks
(Herwaldt and Ackers 1996, Herwaldt and Beach 1997). Con-
taminated mesclun lettuce and basil have also been linked to
Cyclosporaoutbreaks (MMWR 1997).
Sarcocystis is another coccidian parasite, which is prevalent
in livestock. Human infection occurs as a result of ingestion of
raw or undercooked meat containing mature sarcocysts (Tenter
Toxoplasma gondiiis an intracellular parasite, which is preva-
lent in man and animals (Fayer 1981). Ingestion of raw or un-
dercooked meat from livestock and game animals is often im-
plicated in human toxoplasmosis infections. Another parasite
commonly implicated in food and waterborne illness isGiardia.
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