Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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812 Part 8: Food Safety and Food Allegens

Table 42.5.Examples of Some Commercially Available Test Kits for Food Allergen Detection

Allergenic Food Target Allergens Test Format and LOD (mg/kg food) Testing Time (min) Manufacturer

Milk Milk protein ELISA (<5) 30 Neogen
Casein ELISA (0.5) 30 R-Biopharm
β-Lactoglobulin ELISA (0.1) 45 ELISA Systems
Eggs Egg-white protein ELISA (0.6) 35 R-Biopharm
Egg-white protein LFA (LOD: not specified) < 10 Tepnel BioSystems
Egg protein ELISA (<5) 30 Neogen
Peanuts Peanut protein LFA (<5) 10 Neogen
Peanut protein LFA (1) < 10 Tepnel BioSystems
Ara h1 LFA (5) 10 R-Biopharm
Nuts Almond protein LFA (1) < 10 Tepnel BioSystems
Hazelnut protein LFA (5) 10 R-Biopharm
Soya beans Soya protein ELISA (<5) 30 Neogen
Crustacean Tropomyosin ELISA (1) 60 ELISA Systems
Cereals Gliadin, secalins, hordeins ELISA (2) 30 R-Biopharm
Gluten Dipstick (10–20) < 15 Hallmark
Gliadin LFA (2.5) 5 R-Biopharm
Molluscs Not specified LFA (5) < 10 Tepnel BioSystems

Source: Adapted from Schubert-Ullrich et al. 2009.
LOD, limit of detection; ppm, milligram of allergenic food/kg of target food sample.

added to an antigen-coated well followed by washing to remove
any unbound material. The higher the concentration of antigen
in the sample, the lower will be the amount of free antibody able
to bind to the antigen in the well. The allergen concentration
in the sample in this assay is therefore inversely proportional
to OD values obtained after adding the substrate. Competitive
ELISA assay is known for its ability to detect relatively small
proteins (Poms et al. 2004). Today, continuous developments in
technology allows the possibility of enzyme labelling of either
the analyte or the analyte-specific antibody.

LFA and Dipstick Tests

Both of these tests are modified versions of ELISA and are
designed to meet the growing need of portable, reliable, user
friendly and cost-effective methods that can detect trace amount
of allergens in suspected foods within a short period of time
(Schubert-Ullrich et al. 2009). Although quantification is pos-
sible in principle by using special strip test readers, commer-
cially available LFA and dipstick test are primarily intended
for qualitative or semi-quantitative purposes (yes or no). Table
42.5 shows some of the commercially available tests based on
ELISA, LFA and dipstick methods.
LFAs or strip tests are immunochromatographic tests with a
mobile phase that allows movement of the allergen–antibody
complex and/or the sample along a test strip. This technique
is based on an immunochromatographic procedure that utilises
antigen–antibody properties and enables rapid detection of the
analyte (Rong-Hwa et al. 2010). For LFAs using a sandwich
ELISA, an allergen-specific detection antibody, deposited on the
membrane, is solubilised upon introduction of a liquid sample
and moves along with the sample until it reaches the zone where

a capture antibody has been immobilised. At that point, the
allergen–antibody complex is trapped. The presence or absence
of allergen is determined with the colour development pattern.
Competitive ELISA format can also be applied in LFA tests.
LFAs results can be obtained within 3–15 minutes after running
the assay (Schubert-Ullrich et al. 2009).
Dipstick tests are also based on a similar principal as LFA but
with no mobile phase. Instead, an incubation phase is required
in the dipstick test. Oliver et al. (2002) used dipstick assay to
detect peanut and hazelnut allergens and reported that results
of the dipstick assays and the corresponding ELISA were in
concordance. Although most dipstick tests are based on sand-
wich ELISA format, application of competitive ELISA has been
reported. Depending on the time needed for incubation, food
allergen detection time, using dipstick test, could vary from
10 minutes to 3 hours (Schubert-Ullrich et al. 2009).

Proteomic Approach

Recently, proteomics has gained much attention especially for
the detection and identification of IgE-binding allergens in com-
plex mixtures. Proteomics is useful for identification and char-
acterisation of proteins, including their post-translational mod-
ifications, protein conformations (native, denatured, folding in-
termediates) and protein–protein interactions (Leadbeater and
Ward 1987, Alomirah et al. 2000).
A proteomic analysis usually consists of sample collection and
preparation, protein separation using electrophoresis or chro-
matography and protein identification and characterisation us-
ing mass spectrometry. Successful identification of proteins de-
pends on many factors such as the sensitivity of the mass spec-
trometer, the completeness of the database, post-translational
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