Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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45 Biosensors for Sensitive Detection of Agricultural Contaminants, Pathogens and Food-Borne Toxins 869

array, and analytes were measured in this matrix to enhance the
enzymatic responses over analyte ranges of 0–7 mM. Interfer-
ences normally related to electrochemically active compounds
present in fruits were minimised by including a membrane made
out of cellulose acetate.
Electrochemical assay formats may be further enhanced by
electrochemiluminescence (ECL). ECL reactions are of interest
because of their versatility for a range of different types of im-
munoassay. The principle of ECL is the co-oxidation of luminol
and a substrate (called an enhancer) by H 2 O 2 in the presence of
the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The resulting amper-
ometric signal is detected by the transducer and a quantifiable
electrical signal is generated. ECL as a detection system has
advantages over other methods, including high sensitivity and
a reduced assay time. In experiments carried out by Rubtsova
et al. (1998), specific antibodies against atrazine were covalently
immobilised on photo-activated nylon. A chemiluminescence-
based assay was subsequently used to measure 2,4-D with a
detection limit of 0.2μg/L.
Portable electrochemical biosensors are also applicable for
the detection of herbicide and pesticide residues. A portable and
disposable immunomembrane-based electrochemical biosensor
was developed for the detection of picloram in spiked lettuce,
rice and water samples, and the latter extracted from paddy
fields. The competitive assay format developed here by Tang
et al. (2008) utilised a polyclonal anti-picloram antibody, puri-
fied from serum extracted from immunised rabbits, and had a
sensitivity of 5 ng/mL.

Alternative Biosensor Formats

Other types of biosensors have also been used for post-harvest
analysis. Pogaˇcnik and Franko (2003) developed a photother-
mal biosensor to measure organophosphate and carbamate com-
pounds in salads, lettuce and onions. This approach used thermal
lens spectrometry, a technique that depends upon the adsorp-
tion of optical radiation in the sample generating heat. This
introduces a change in the RI, and, through this analysis, con-
centrations can be determined. Paraoxon was detected in all of
the samples tested by this protocol. Recently, a piezoelectric
antibody-based sensor for the detection of pesticide residues
in fruit juice matrices was described by March et al. (2009).
Piezoelectric, or mass-based, sensors operate on the principle
that a biorecognition event, such as the interaction between an
antibody and an agricultural contaminant, results in a change

in mass. This is conducive to a change in, for example, reso-
nance frequency that can readily be detected by the end-user.
Piezoelectric sensors typically use quartz crystals as transduc-
ers, and are a cost-effective alternative to optical sensors, which
are often expensive (Byrne et al. 2009, Conroy et al. 2009).
The immunosensor described by March et al. was based on the
implementation of a quartz-crystal microbalance for detecting
carbaryl and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP) residues. Here,
a rapid (20 minute) inhibition assay format was adopted, us-
ing antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies for biorecognition,
and the piezoelectric sensor had good detection limits for car-
baryl (11μg/L) and TCP (7μg/L) in spiked fruit juice samples,
although the authors suggested that assay sensitivity could be
improved by incorporating crystals with enhanced resonance fre-
quencies. However, this example does emphasise the efficiency
of using biosensors for detecting analytes of interest in com-
plex and coloured sample matrices without the need for sample
pre-preparation, which significantly reduces analysis times.


Bacterial Pathogens

Several bacterial strains are of great significance for the food
and horticultural industries, includingL. monocytogenes,S. ty-
phimuriumandE. coliO157:H7, and Table 45.6 show some
of the earlier examples of using SPR instruments to detect the
presence of bacterial contaminants in food. The bacterial strain
E. coli0157:H7 is a major pathogen of interest in fruit and veg-
etables, as it causes severe illness and can be fatal in the infants,
the elderly and the immunocompromised (Byrne et al. 2009).
Hence, the detection and enumeration of this and other bacterial
pathogens are absolute requirements for the food industry. A dis-
posable conductometric electrochemical immunosensor, based
on a lateral flow strip connected to an ohmmeter, was described
by Muhammad-Tahir and Alocilja (2004). Anti-E. coli0157:H7
antibodies, labelled with polyaniline (PANI), were immobilised
onto the nitrocellulose strip and a sample was allowed to migrate
up the strip. PANI is an excellent conducting polymer frequently
selected for use in chemical sensor platforms. A drop in resis-
tance, proportional to the concentration ofE. coli0157:H7 cells
binding to the antibodies, indicated a decrease in the electron
transfer from the PANI-conjugated antibody.
L. monocytogenesis a highly infectious pathogen that has very
serious implications if present in food or food products due to the

Table 45.6.Examples of Surface Plasmon Resonance-Based Analysis of Bacterial Pathogens

Analyte Limit of Detection Reference

Salmonella enteritidis,Listeria monocytogenes 106 cells/mL Koubov ́a et al. 2001.
Salmonellagroups B, D and E 1.7×103 CFU/mL Bokken et al. 2003.
Staphylococcalenterotoxin B 0.5 ng/mL Homola 2003.
Staphylococcalenterotoxin B 1.0 ng/mL Nedelkov et al. 2000.
Salmonella typhimurium 102 –10^9 CFU/mL Oh et al. 2004.

CFU, colony forming unit.
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