(^62) memory, orientation, and behavior. intellectual thought processes; and manifested by disturbances of 9. Teach relaxation exercises ability to interpret environmental stimuli; decreased capacity for rioration of intellect and personality characterized by decreased Possible Etiologies (“related to”)10. Teach prospective caregivers to recognize client behaviors Defi● Outcome Criteria 1. Prospective caregivers are able to verbalize behaviors 2. With assistance from caregivers, client is able to control [Alteration in structure/function of brain tissue, secondary to^ may assist client to manage the anxiety before violence impulse to perform acts of violence against self or others.occurs.CHRONIC CONFUSIONthat indicate an increasing anxiety level and ways they nition:that indicate anxiety is increasing and ways to intervene before violence occurs.ing anxiety.●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATION Irreversible, long-standing, and/or progressive dete-to intervene in times of increas-
2506_Ch03_054-070.indd 62 2506 Ch 03 054 - 070 .indLongstanding cognitive impairmentAltered response to stimuliAltered personalityAltered interpretationProgressive cognitive impairmentImpaired long-term memoryClinical evidence of organic impairmentImpaired socializationImpaired short-term memoryNo change in level of consciousnessDefid 6 the following conditions: 2 ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”)Exposure to environmental toxinsVa sc u la r d isea seAdvanced ageCerebral hypoxiaHypertensionVarious other physical disorders that predispose to Long-term abuse of mood- or behavior-altering cerebral abnormalities (see Predisposing Factors)]substances 1 10/1/10 9:33:40 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 33 : 40 AM