(^68) 2. Devise methods for assisting client with memory defi 3. Encourage client’s attempts to communicate. If verbalizations 4. Encourage reminiscence and discussion of life review. Also^ Support client through process of grieving. may enhance self-esteem.fiquently. inward on the self, resulting in diminished self-esteem.sible, is especially good. she intended to say. It may be necessary to reorient client fre-are not understandable, express to client what you think he or These aids may assis t client to f unc tion more independently, thereby increasing self-esteem. discuss present-day events. Sharing picture albums, if pos- a. Name sign on door identifying client’s room. b. Identifying sign on outside of dining room door. c. Identifying sign on outside of restroom door.client resume progression through the grief process associ- g. “News board” on unit wall where current national and e. Large calendar, indicating one day at a time, with month, f. Printed, structured daily schedule, with one copy for client d. Large clock, with oversized numbers and hands, appropri- xed in anger stage of grieving process, which is turned ●^ and one posted on unit wall.local events may be posted.day, and year identifiately placed.ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONThe ability to communicate effectively with others ed in bold print.Reminiscence and life review help Examples follow:Client may be cit.
2 2506_Ch03_054-070.indd 68 506 Ch 03 054 - 070 .ind 1. Client initiates own self-care according to written schedule^ 7. Encourage client to be as independent as possible in self-care Outcome Criteria 2. Client interacts with others in group activities, maintaining 5. Encourage participation in group activities. Caregiver may 6. Offer support and empathy when client expresses embar-d 6 and willingly accepts assistance as needed.rassment at inability to remember people, events, and places. anxiety at minimal level in response to diffias successes are reviewed.Focus on accomplishments bal communication.tions in verbal communication. need to accompany client at fiactivities. Provide written schedule of tasks to be performed. Intervene in areas where client requires assistance. members will increase self-esteem.ity to perform independently preserves self-esteem.ated with disappointing life events and increase self-esteem that group members will be accepting, regardless of limita- 8 to lift self-esteem. rst, until he or she feels secure Positive feedback from group culties with ver-The abil- 10/1/10 9:33:42 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 33 : 42 AM