with a reversible syndrome of symptoms that occur with ingestion of are of sufficur after prolonged or heavy use of the substance. The effects or more frequent doses of a substance to obtain the desired effects originally produced by a lower dose. The individual who is dependent on substances continues to increase the amount consumed to achieve the desired effect and to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.● are specifiSubstance Intoxication Defisubstance (Townsend, 2009). The symptoms of withdrawal “Intoxication” is defijustment that accompanies the discontinuation of an addictive ration and emotional frenzy or lethargy and stupor (Townsend, 2009). With substance intoxication, the individual experiences discontinued. Dependence on substances can also be associated a substance and that are specifi“Withdrawal” is defibehavior changes can be attributed to the physiological effects of the substance on the central nervous system (CNS).Substance Withdrawal Defiperformance.SUBSTANCE-INDUCED DISORDERS ned nedtolerance c to the substance that has been ingested and oc- cient signifi, in which there is a need for increasingly larger ned as a physical and mental state of exhila- ned as the physiological and mental read- cance to interfere with usual role c to the substance ingested. The
dependent individuals to satisfy their need include liquid cough use for alcohol (with the exception of its inclusion in a number AlcoholAlthough alcohol is a CNS depressant, it is considered sepa-rately because of the complex effects and widespread nature of its use. Low to moderate consumption produces a feeling of well-being and reduced inhibitions. At higher concentra-tions, motor and intellectual functioning are impaired, mood becomes very labile, and behaviors characteristic of depres-sion, euphoria, and aggression are exhibited. The only medical ● of pharmacological concentrates) is as an antidote for methanol consumption.Emedications, liquid cold preparations, mouthwashes, isopropyl XAMPLESCommon substances containing alcohol and used by some CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSTANCES: Beer, wine, bourbon, scotch, gin, vodka, rum, tequila, liqueurs.
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