- Psychosocial a. b. b. hol addiction. This occurs when the products of alcohol metabolism react with biologically active amines.used to express group cohesiveness.time with coworkers and where drinking is valued and is to the possibility that alcohol may produce morphine-Psychodynamictrue in the work setting that provides plenty of leisure the individual enters the work force. This is particularly may continue to be a factor in the use of substances once the etiology of substance abuse focuses on a punitive super-ego and fiencouraged to use substances for the fiment (Sadock & Sadock, 2007). Individuals with punitive superegos turn to alcohol to diminish unconscious anxi-ety and increase feelings of power and self-worth. Sadock and Sadock (2007) stated, “As a form of self-medication, Biochemicalanger, and amphetamines to alleviate depression” (p. 386).like substances in the brain that are responsible for alco-Social Learning Theory. infltion, and identifimodel for substance use. Peers often exert a great deal of early childhood onward. In relation to drug consumption, the family appears to be an important infllikely to use substances if they have parents who provide a studies have shown that children and adolescents are more alcohol may be used to control panic, opioids to diminish uence in the life of the child or adolescent who is being xation at the oral stage of psychosexual develop-. A second physiological hypothesis relates Theory cation on behavior can be observed from. The psychodynamic approach to The effects of modeling, imita- rst time. Modeling uence. Various
● Data) Alcohol Abuse/Dependence 1. Begins with social drinking that provides feeling of 2. Drinks in secret; hides bottles of alcohol; drinks fi 3. As the disease progresses, the individual may drink in binges. Symptomatology SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERSout of reality.relaxation and well-being. Soon requires more and more to (^) borders on the psychotic, with the individual wavering in and too intoxicated or too sick to consume any more. Behavior in the morning (to “steady my nerves”) and at any other opportunity that arises during the day.COMMON PATTERNS OF USE IN During a binge, drinking continues until the individual is produce the same effects.(Subjective and Objective rst thing
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