Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Class of DrugsIntoxicationWithdrawal

CocaineEuphoria, fiDepression, anxiety, irritability, ghting, grandiosity, hypervigilance, psychomotor fatigue, insomnia or hypersomnia, agitation, impaired judgment, psychomotor agitation, paranoid tachycardia, elevated blood pres-or suicidal ideation, apathy, social sure, pupillary dilation, perspira-withdrawaltion or chills, nausea/vomiting, hallucinations, delirium

Large doses of the drug can result in convulsions or death from cardiac arrhythmias or respiratory paralysis.
InhalantsBelligerence, assaultiveness, apathy, impaired judgment, dizziness, nystagmus, slurred speech, unsteady gait, lethargy, depressed refl exes, tremor, blurred vision, stupor or coma, euphoria, irrita-tion around eyes, throat, and nose

Intoxication occurs within 5 min of inhalation. Symptoms last 60 to 90 min. Large doses can result in death from CNS depression or cardiac arrhythmia.
Nicotine Craving for the drug, irritability, anger, frustration, anxiety, dif-fi culty concentrating, restlessness, decreased heart rate, increased appetite, weight gain, tremor, headaches, insomnia

Symptoms of withdrawal begin within 24 hr of last drug use and decrease in intensity over days, weeks, or sometimes longer.
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