[Underlying fears and anxieties]Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Use of rationalization and projection to explain maladaptive [Uses substance(s) in physically hazardous situations][Continues to use substance, knowing it contributes to impair- 2. Client shows no evidence of physical injury obtained during [Denies that substance use creates problems in his or her life]●[Denies substance abuse or dependence]DefiDefi[Fixation in early level of development] [Low self-esteem]knowledge or meaning of an event to reduce anxiety/fear, but lead-ing to the detriment of health.^92 [Weak, underdeveloped ego]Unable to admit impact of disease on life pattern^ ment in functioning or exacerbation of physical symptoms]^ behaviors]INEFFECTIVE DENIALsubstance intoxication or withdrawal. ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) nition:●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATION Conscious or unconscious at tempt to disavow the
2506_Ch04_071-104.indd Sec1:92 2506 Ch 04 071 - 104 .indClient will divert attention away from external issues and focus on behavioral outcomes associated with substance use.Long-term Goal 2. Convey an attitude of acceptance to client. Ensure that he Client will verbalize acceptance of responsibility for own behavior and acknowledge association between substance use and personal problems.Short-term Goal 3. Provide information to correct misconceptions about sub-Goals/Objectives 1. Begin by working to develop a trusting nurse-client relation-Interventions with d Sstance abuse. Client may rationalize his or her behavior with unacceptable.” or she understands, “It is not of dignity and self-worth.ship. Be honest. Keep all promises. therapeutic relationship.ec 1 : 92 An attitude of acceptance promotes feelings Selected Rationalesyou but your Trust is the basis of a behavior that is 1 10/1/10 9:34:02 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 02 AM