- Do not accept the use of rationalization or projection as 4. Identify recent maladaptive behaviors or situations that have 5. Use confrontation with caring. Do not allow client to fanta- 250 when you were involved in that automobile accident.” alcohol, you.. .” or “The lab report shows that your blood alcohol level was to a person in denial. Examples: “It is my understanding that the last time you drank CLINICAL PEARL may have been a contributing factor. myths abound regarding use of specifistatements such as, “I’m not an alcoholic. I can stop drink-information presented in a matter-of-fact, nonjudgmental way explaining what behaviors constitute substance-related disorders may help client focus on his or her own behaviors as an illness that requires help.ing any time I want. Besides, I only drink beer.” or “I only occurred in client’s life, and discuss how use of substances smoke pot to relax before class. So what? I know lots of people who do. Besides, you can’t get hooked on pot.” esteem and avoids putting client on the defensive.ing use of denial is for client to see the relationship between substance use and personal problems.client attempts to make excuses for or blame his or her be-size about his or her lifestyle. client’s ability to use denial; a caring attitude preserves self-It is important to speak objectively and nonjudgmentally Confrontation interferes with Substance-Related Disorders The fi c substances. Factual rst step in decreas-Many ●^93
2 2506_Ch04_071-104.indd Sec1:93 506 Ch 04 071 - 104 .indd 7. Encourage participation in group activities. Outcome Criteria 3. Client verbalizes understanding of substance dependence and 1. Client verbalizes understanding of the relationship between^ 2. Client verbalizes acceptance of responsibility for own behavior.S8. Offer immediate positive recognition of client’s expres-ec 1 havior on other people or situations. projection prolong the stage of denial that problems exist in sions of insight gained regarding illness and acceptance of responsibility for own behavior. often more accepted than feedback from authority fihances self-esteem and encourages repetition of desirable behaviors.client’s life because of substance use.Peer pressure can be a strong factor as well as the association personal problems and the use of substances.with individuals who are experiencing or who have experi-enced similar problems.abuse as an illness requiring ongoing support and treatment.: 93 Positive reinforcement en-Rationalization and Peer feedback is gures. 10/1/10 9:34:02 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 02 AM