Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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  1. Explore with client the options available to assist with stress- 3. Encourage client to verbalize feelings, fears, and anxiet- 4. Explain the effects of substance abuse on the body. Empha-6. Provide positive reinforcement for evidence of gratifi (^) 7. Encourage client to be as independent as possible in consistent, manipulative behavior will not be eliminated.own self-care. Provide positive feedback for independent ies. Answer any questions he or she may have regarding the disorder. environment may help client come to terms with long-unresolved issues.decision-making and effective use of problem-solving skills.size that prognosis is closely related to abstinence. self-esteem and encourages client to repeat acceptable clients lack knowledge regarding the deleterious effects of substance abuse on the body.tion delayed appropriately. ful situations rather than resorting to substance abuse (e.g., contacting various members of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous; physical exercise; relaxation tech-niques; meditation). establish own limits, so limits must be set for him or her. Unless chemical abuse and thus may possess little or no knowledge of adaptive responses to stress.administration of consequences for violation of limits is Verbalization of feelings in a nonthreaten-Client may have persistently resorted to Positive reinforcement enhances Substance-Related Disorders Many ●^ ca-^95

2506_Ch04_071-104.indd Sec1:95 2506 Ch 04 071 - 104 .indd [Eating only “junk food”][Eating nothing (or very little) while on a “binge”]SOutcome CriteriaDefi● 2. Client is able to verbalize the names of support people from needs. Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Drinking alcohol instead of eating nourishing food] 1. Client is able to verbalize adaptive coping strategies as alter-e^ c 1 use is intense.whom he or she may seek help when the desire for substance THAN BODY REQUIREMENTSnatives to substance use in response to stress.IMBALANCED NUTRITION: LESS : nition: 95 Intake of nutrients insuffi cient to meet metabolic 1 10/1/10 9:34:02 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 02 AM
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