Interventions with 3. Help client to recognize and focus on strengths and accom-the role substances played in those failures.Long-term GoalBy time of discharge, client will exhibit increased feelings of self-worth as evidenced by verbal expression of positive aspects about self, past accomplishments, and future prospects.Client will accept responsibility for personal failures and verbalize 5. Help client identify areas he or she would like to change 1. Be accepting of client and his or her negativism. 4. Encourage participation in group activities 2. Spend time with client Short-term GoalGoals/Objectivesself-worth.toward feelings of self-worth.plishments. Discuss past (real or perceived) failures, but minimize amount of attention devoted to them beyond client’s need to accept responsibility for them. Low self-worth may interfere with client’s perception of own sponsibility for own behavior before change in behavior can occur. Minimizing attention to past failures may help to eliminate negative ruminations and increase client’s sense of about self and assist with problem solving toward this effort. of acceptance enhances feelings of self-worth.ent may receive positive feedback and support from peers.problem-solving ability. Assistance may be required. Selected Rationalesto convey acceptance and contribute Client must accept re-from which cli-An attitude
(^) 9. Teach effective communication techniques, such as the use 6. Ensure that client is not becoming increasingly dependent 8. Provide instruction in assertiveness techniques: the ability 7. Ensure that therapy groups offer client simple methods of judgmental statements. achievement. Offer recognition and positive feedback for actual accomplishments. and that he or she is accepting responsibility for own behav-iors. of “I” messages and placing emphasis on ways to avoid mak-she is to be successful within the less-structured community to recognize the difference among passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors and the importance of respecting the human rights of others while protecting one’s own basic human rights. teract with others in an assertive manner.self-esteem.Client must be able to function independently if he or Self-esteem is enhanced by the ability to in-Successes and recognition increase
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