(^102) 6. Provide information about enabling behavior and addictive 5. Determine extent of enabling behaviors being evidenced 4. Assess current level of functioning of family members. 2. Explore how family members have coped with the client’s 3. Determine understanding of current situation and previous 7. Identify and discuss sabotage behaviors of family members.^ Enabling is doing for the client what he or she needs to do the same feelings as the client and use ineffective methods for dealing with the situation, necessitating help in learn-ing new and effective coping skills.addiction (e.g., denial, repression, rationalization, hurt, methods of coping with life’s problems. of change.tion on which to base present plan of care.ing) provide opportunity for individuals to begin the process loneliness, projection). ing, taking over responsibilities, rationalizing, and subserv-by family members; explore with each individual and client. ness and knowledge of behaviors (e.g., avoiding and shield-for self (rescuing). People want to be helpful and do not want to feel powerless to help their loved one to stop substance use and change the behavior that is so destructive. However, the substance abuser often relies on others to cover up own inability to cope with daily responsibilities.disease characteristics for both the user and nonuser. Affects individual’s ability to cope with the situation.●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONPersons who enable also suffer from Provides informa-Aware-
2 2506_Ch04_071-104.indd Sec1:102 506 Ch 04 071 - 104 .ind10. Encourage family members to be aware of their own feel-^ 8. Encourage participation in therapeutic writing, e.g., journ- 9. Provide factual information to client and family about the d Sefamily members’ own role in the relationship. Addition-ture of addiction. If client is using legally obtained drugs, he or she may believe this does not constitute abuse.ally, they may receive sympathy or attention from others (secondary gain).ings, to look at the situation with perspective and objectiv-ity. They can ask themselves: “Am I being conned? Am I acting out of fear, shame, guilt, or anger? Do I have a need for the individual to become substance-free, the reality of to control?” Even though family member(s) may verbalize a desire aling (narrative), guided or focused. interactive dynamics is that they may unconsciously not feelings (e.g., anger, grief, stress); helps move individual(s) forward in treatment process.want the individual to recover, as this would affect the effects of addictive behaviors on the family and what to ex-pect after discharge. c 1 : 102 When the enabling family members become Many people are unaware of the na-Serves as a release for 10/1/10 9:34:04 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 04 AM