- Provide support for enabling family members12. Assist the client’s partner to become aware that client’s 13. Help a recovering (former user) partner who is enabling to 15. Explore confl 14. Note how the partner relates to the treatment team and staff. (^) treatment.actions and may choose to get well.partner. This individual’s own identity may have been stance abuser [blend of anger, guilt, fear, exhaustion, em-to occur, families need support as much as the person who has the problem with alcohol.This is useful in establishing the need for therapy for the barrassment, loneliness, distrust, grief, and possibly relief ]). abstinence and drug use are not the partner’s responsibility. Partners need to learn that the client’s use of substances may or may not change despite partner’s involvement in about treatment (e.g., feelings similar to those of the sub-aware of their own actions that perpetuate the client’s distinguish between destructive aspects of own behavior and genuine motivation to aid the client. problems, they need to decide to change themselves. If they be a recovering individual’s attempts at personal survival.change, the client can then face the consequences of own Determines enabling style. A parallel exists between how partner relates to client and to staff, based on the partner’s feelings about self and situation. icting feelings the enabling partner may have Substance-Related Disorders Enabling behavior can. For change ●^103
2506_Ch04_071-104.indd Sec1:103 2506 Ch 04 071 - 104 .indd 3. Family members regularly participate in self-help support 17. Encourage involvement with self-help associations, such as S16. Involve family members in discharge referral plans. 1. Family members verbalize understanding of dynamics of 2. Family members demonstrate patterns of effective commu-^ Outcome Criteriaec 1 enabling behaviors.nication.programs.:volved in dealing with the substance abuse behavior, family abstinence. Incidence of recovery is almost doubled when the family is treated along with the client.lost—he or she may fear self-disclosure to staff and may Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Alateen, and professional family therapy. 1 with support systems necessary for continued sobriety and members need help adjusting to the new behavior of sobriety/have diffiabuse is a family illness. Because the family has been so in-assists with problem resolution. 03 culty giving up the dependent relationship.Puts client and family in direct contact Alcohol 1 10/1/10 9:34:05 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 05 AM