Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

                  1. disorganized thoughts and verbalizations of the psychotic Emotional Ambivalence. Inappropriate Affect. Clang Associations. she hears.often inappropriate (e.g., person who laughs when told of the death of a parent).and fear produce much conflAssociative Looseness. tions concerning aspects of the environment.Word Sa lad. person. Ideas shift from one unrelated subject to another. When the condition is severe, speech may be incoherent.a nonsensical pattern.Echolalia.Concretethinking on the abstract level and may use literal transla-emotion tends to balance the other until an emotional neu-Echopraxia.tralization occurs, and the individual experiences apathy or ments he or she sees in others. (Echolalia and echopraxia are products of the person’s very weak ego boundaries.) to the individual.son that are meaningless to others but have symbolic mean-^ The psychotic person often repeats words he or Thinking. The psychotic person often repeats move- Words that are invented by the psychotic per-The psychotic person may put together a ran-Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders The individual uses rhyming words in The psychotic person has diffiThe affect is blunted or flThis term describes the very Powerful emotions of love, hate, ict within the individual. Each at, and ● culty^109
                    2506_Ch05_105-124.indd 0109 2506 Ch 05 105 - 124 .indd 12. 11. 0 13. 14. 15. 109 a. b. sions include the following:Mutism.Ta n g e nt i a l it y.dom jumble of that the psychotic person never really gets to the point of the communication. Unrelated topics are introduced, and the original discussion is lost.Circumstantiality.Perseveration.speak.tently repeat the same word or idea in response to different questions.person’s delay in reaching the point of a communication Delusions.because of unnecessary and tedious details.or her in some way.believes others intend harm or persecution toward him ing of importance or power.Grandeur.Persecution. Psychotic individuals may refuse or be unable to These are false ideas or beliefs. Types of delu- The psychotic person has an exaggerated feel- Tangentiality differs from circumstantiality The psychotic person feels threatened and The individual with psychosis may persis- Circumstantiality refers to a psychotic 1 10/1/10 9:34:17 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 17 AM

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