Defi[Panic level of anxiety][Inability or unwillingness to carry out toileting procedures ●[Impaired ability or lack of interest in selecting appropri-Inability [or refusal] to wash body or body parts[DiffiDefiGoals/Objectives[Inability to trust] Perceptual or cognitive impairmentdaily living (ADLs)]. Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Withdrawal into the self ][Regression to an earlier level of development]Short-term Goal^ receptacle to mouthate clothing to wear, dressing, grooming, or maintaining without assistance] appearance at a satisfactory level]SpecifiSELF-CARE DEFICIT (Identify nition: ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) culty in bringing or] inability to bring food from c Area) Impaired ability to perform or complete [activities of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders ●^121
2506_Ch05_105-124.indd 0121 2506 Ch 05 105 - 124 .indd 3. Offer recognition and positive reinforcement for independent Interventions with Client will verbalize a desire to perform ADLs by end of 1. Encourage client to perform normal ADLs to his or her level 0 1 week.By time of discharge from treatment, client will be able to 2. Encourage independence, but intervene when client is unable 4. Show client, on concrete level, how to perform activities with perform ADLs in an independent manner and demonstrate a willingness to do so.Long-term Goal 121 clean dress and combed your hair.”) enhances self-esteem and encourages repetition of desirable behaviors.which he or she is having diffito perform. enhances self-esteem.of ability. accomplishments. (Successful performance of independent activities Client comfort and safety are nursing priorities. Selected RationalesExample: “Mrs. J., I see you have put on a culty. (Positive reinforcement Example: If client is not 10/1/10 9:34:21 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 21 AM