4. Some individuals may be inclined toward excessive eating ● 2. Thoughts are slowed and concentration is diffi 5. Sleep disturbances are common, either insomnia or 6. At the less severe level (dysthymic disorder), individuals 1. The affect of a depressed person is one of sadness, dejection, 3. Physically, there is evidence of weakness and fatigue—very^128 SYMPTOMATOLOGY^ AND OBJECTIVE DATA)^ pessimistic. A feeling of worthlessness prevails.tend to feel their best early in the morning, then continu-urinary retention is possible. ideas and rumination of negative thoughts are common. In severe depression (major depressive disorder or bipolar depression), psychotic features such as hallucinations and ally feel worse as the day progresses. The opposite is true of digestion is often sluggish, constipation is common, and the environment.hypersomnia. little energy to carry on activities of daily living (ADLs). The individual may express an exaggerated concern over bodily functioning, seemingly experiencing heightened sensitivity to somatic sensations. helplessness, and hopelessness. The outlook is gloomy and and drinking, whereas others may experience anorexia and weight loss. In response to a general slowdown of the body, delusions may be evident, refl●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATION(SUBJ ECTIV E ecting misinterpretations of cult. Obsessive
2 2506_Ch06_125-144.indd 0128 506 Ch 06 125 - 144 .ind 8. Verbalizations are limited. When depressed persons do 9. Social participation is diminished. The depressed client 7. A general slowdown of motor activity commonly accompa-d 01 the environment.nies depression (called speak, the content may be either ruminations regarding their own life regrets or, in psychotic clients, a reflto the circadian rhythm of the hormones and their effects their delusional thinking.this phenomenon is unknown, but it is thought to be related on the body.has an inclination toward egocentrism and narcissism—an intense focus on the self. This discourages others from is depleted, movements are lethargic, and performance of daily activities is extremely diffipersons experiencing severe depression. The exact cause of evidenced by withdrawal into the self and retreat to the fetal position. Severely depressed persons may manifest psycho-motor activity through symptoms of agitation. These are constant, rapid, purposeless movements, out of touch with 28 psychomotor retardation cult. Regression is common, ). Energy level ection of 10/1/10 9:34:33 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 33 AM